I would like to see a program in place and USED through the court system mandating non-violent criminals to perform more community service and a system in place where these people would work select days with the county/city performing maintenance services throughout our community. Weather it be picking up trash in the parks, painting, planting trees/gardens or whatever. Existing county workers could be used to watch over and work with these people ensuring no jobs be lost. Our community would be a much nicer place to live if our parks were clean, free labor, and our criminals would be punished in more effective ways other than simple fines or taking up space in an already over crowded jails. We could start a program with the family court system, instead of putting people in jail for not paying child support we would require them to work for free doing community service instead things like that.
We have an existing community service program but why not utilize it? I’m sure something could be worked out with the unions. Such as volunteers would only do the crap work the parks guys don’t want to do but have to such as trash duty. And using only the amount of volunteers needed to pick up the slack.
They could look at it as having a slave for a day if they so choose. Guarantee Mr. Orlando no jobs would be lost and the help would only be supplied as requested by the employees.