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Thread: Erie County lost 5,001 residents last year

  1. #16
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kma516
    First of all, I'm female so don't refer to me as "son". Secondly, you have no clue what my life is like and what I do for a living but suffice it to say I highly doubt I'd want to be you. I'm in a position most people envy and wish for. Thirdly, you're not the only one here who hates the rampant corruption around us. I despise it as do many others on this board! The difference is, I see where others actively do things to try to make it better, big and small. I have yet to see where you have since I've joined. I can't speak as it pertains prior to that. I do my part off the board to try to improve things. Do you?
    I am glad your life is as cool as mine,You own a St Bernard,I have a yellow Lab so your dog is bigger then my dog. You win. I do my part off the board to increase my bottom line becuase when its all said and done thats the line that counts most. I choose to tear down this hell hole.I didnt start this mess but I can sure try to end it.
    Use Bar keepers Friend on your Nobel peace prize it will keep it nice and bright. I love people who are where they live becuase when they dont live there then they arent. Hit em straight.

  2. #17
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keyboard150

    Let it out my son.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Cgoodsp466
    I am glad your life is as cool as mine,You own a St Bernard,I have a yellow Lab so your dog is bigger then my dog. You win. I do my part off the board to increase my bottom line becuase when its all said and done thats the line that counts most. I choose to tear down this hell hole.I didnt start this mess but I can sure try to end it.
    Use Bar keepers Friend on your Nobel peace prize it will keep it nice and bright. I love people who are where they live becuase when they dont live there then they arent. Hit em straight.
    Is that English? aid free zone~

  4. #19
    Member Mr. Lackawanna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kma516
    I absolutely do NOT understand why Res allows VegasPuke to continue posting. Can someone name a single thread he's started that was not insulting and degrading to Buffalo and its residents? His/her posts are 100% negative and disruptive and serve NO purpose other than to give that yak some sick jollies.
    I think VegasDude posts are only speaking the truth about the dismal future facing this area.

    Nothing will change in this area until the Liberal Political Representatives that have led this city; county; and state down this path of high taxes and entitlements are voted out of office. Until this is done we have nothing to look forward to except more of the same doom and gloom news.

  5. #20
    Member winfield31's Avatar
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    Yeah right...........

    I only wish vegas dudd would leave so that we would have "lost" 5002 residents !!!!!!! Me thinks part of "his" problem is "ED" in the worse kind of way...........
    Nothing gold can stay...............

  6. #21
    Member cookie's Avatar
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    Over where the sun rises
    I'm sure there are those that are playing ostrich, but just because some are sick of hearing the bad, doesn't mean they are choosing to ignore it or cannot handle knowing about it. Someone pointing it out and someone harping on it at every chance are not exactly the same. I think Vegas is overstepping being informative (?) and has traversed into carping. And even carping is fine if you have positive suggestions to follow it up. Otherwise, it's a pathetic waste. I wouldn't lobby for his removal, but I can't say as I would be upset if he was.
    Quote Originally Posted by Curmudgeon
    When things are chronically bad and you've grown weary of hearing that things are chronically bad, there's only one thing left to do.

    Target the individuals that speak about things being chronically bad.

    If that doesn't get any play, try to institute some sort of subjective "street-credibility" credential that reflects "your" personal opinion on what a "good activist" should be doing to further the common good. This is handy for discrediting the above mentioned "chronically-bad-speaker", who conveniently doesn't meet your street-cred criteria.

    What an excellent example of human nature we have here. Several individuals are clamoring for censorship because they don't like the message of a particular poster. Simply put - you should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Moderator! Save us from the poisonous thoughts of others who are not worthy!!!

  7. #22
    I don't doubt we've lost population, but these figures are only estimates.

    As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going anywhere. If people want to leave, that's their decision.

    I think the declining population figures provide more evidence that those of us who want to stay here should concentrate on making WNY a livable place for us. Screw the naysayers and the pipe dreamers. Let's make WNY comfortable for us.

  8. #23
    Member Daisy H's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VegasDude
    Erie County’s estimated population dropped 0.54 percent last year to 913,338 residents
    By Stephen T. Watson
    Updated: 03/20/08 6:45 AM

    Shrinking population

    Erie County lost 5,001 residents last year, continuing a decade-long trend of annual population losses seen here and across upstate New York, according to new population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau.

    However, at least one expert cautioned that the declines reported for Erie and Niagara counties shouldn’t be taken too seriously because bureau estimates have proved to be inaccurate in the past.

    “People need to bear in mind that these are estimates built upon estimates,” said Kathryn A. Foster, director of the Regional Institute at the University at Buffalo.

    Still, the figures released Wednesday by the Census Bureau are the latest signs that upstate New York communities haven’t been able to stanch their population declines.

    Upstate’s largest counties — Erie, Monroe, Onondaga and Albany — all lost residents over the previous year, and only Albany County has seen a net population gain since 2000.

    “There are no real surprises. It’s the continuation of a trend. For the most part, downstate is showing the increases. Maybe a little around Albany,” Foster said Wednesday.

    The new Census Bureau data shows Erie County lost 0.54 percent of its population in the 12 months between July 2006 and July 2007 and Niagara County’s population essentially remained flat over that time, falling 0.08 percent.

    Since April 2000, Erie County’s population has fallen by 3.9 percent, from 950,265 to 913,338, and no county in New York State lost more people over those seven years than the 36,927 who left Erie County, according to Census figures.

    Niagara County lost 165 people between 2006 and 2007, when its population fell to 214,845, and a total of 4,999 people since 2000, the census estimates.

    Those figures are in line with the population losses for other counties in Western New York and across upstate New York.

    All eight of the counties of Western New York lost population between 2006 and 2007 and show overall population losses of between 0.6 percent and 4.2 percent since 2000, the data shows.

    Cattaraugus County, in fact, at a 0.62 percent decline, had the highest population loss between 2006 and 2007, by percentage, of any county in the state.

    The annually updated estimates are based on birth and death records and migration patterns that are tracked through address changes on federal tax returns.

    Foster noted, however, that the yearly estimates can often undercount population.

    In 2000, for example, the more-accurate, once-a-decade census count found that previous yearly estimates had under-counted Erie County’s population by about 25,000 people, she said.

    No matter how the final numbers come out in 2010, it’s clear that downstate’s population is holding steady or rising while upstate’s is slowly declining.

    Orange County in the Hudson Valley has been the fastest growing county in the state since 2000 and remained so last year with a growth rate of 0.8 percent.

    Neighboring Sullivan County was No. 2 with a 0.7 percent growth rate over the year.

    The mid-Hudson Valley experienced a population boom over much of the decade, fueled in part by post-Sept. 11 jitters in New York City and sky-high home prices closer to the city.

    New York City grew by 0.29 percent over the year.

    Overall, the state’s population nudged up by 15,741 in the 12 months ending in July 2007, to 19.3 million people.

    The census figures show that the population drain from the Northeast and the Midwest to the South and West is continuing.

    While some counties in the Southwest experienced dramatic change over the year — growth rates were as high as 8 percent in Texas — no county in New York saw a percentage gain or loss of more than 1 percent.

    This is important, Foster said, because if the state’s slower-than-average population growth is captured in the 2010 Census, New York could lose out to boom states on financial aid and congressional representation.

    The Associated Press contributed to this report.
    Less traffic and more parking spaces for US then!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    You Can Leave..but The Bennies' Stay


  10. #25
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keyboard150
    Is that English?
    I dont know Arabic,so its tough to communicate with you. Ali Akbar do you like pork?

  11. #26
    Unregistered Cgoodsp466's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gshowell
    I don't doubt we've lost population, but these figures are only estimates.

    As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going anywhere. If people want to leave, that's their decision.

    I think the declining population figures provide more evidence that those of us who want to stay here should concentrate on making WNY a livable place for us. Screw the naysayers and the pipe dreamers. Let's make WNY comfortable for us.
    Yes lets keep raising taxes and lets drive all the old people out.It will make more room for the Demorats. Honest Mr Senior Citizen Nine Lives taste just like Tuna. Is that what you have in mind?

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Cgoodsp466
    I dont know Arabic,so its tough to communicate with you. Ali Akbar do you like pork?
    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! This person is a racist too! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! aid free zone~

  13. #28
    Unregistered bigpoppapuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keyboard150
    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! This person is a racist too! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    not even a little bit,keyboard....

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigpoppapuff
    not even a little bit,keyboard....
    Right. A lot. aid free zone~

  15. #30
    Unregistered bigpoppapuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keyboard150
    Right. A lot.
    would you say that to him face to to man??...i doubt it...but he'd be there....and that's the real difference between the two of you...

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