Looks like nothing changes in Lackawanna when it comes to political signs.
It seems that the targets of stealing and defacing of these signs have primarily been Pirowski and Watkins. And the point is...? One thing is ISN'T is mature!
Looks like nothing changes in Lackawanna when it comes to political signs.
It seems that the targets of stealing and defacing of these signs have primarily been Pirowski and Watkins. And the point is...? One thing is ISN'T is mature!
Same old crap. While driving around today it became evident that some of our politicians must be very rich. It appears that they must own all the vacant property in the city since their signs are all over them. The biggest joke was that of School Board Attorney, Carl Morgan having a Staniszewski political sign on the front lawn of his office on Abbott Road. Lets see could that have been a John Makeyenko, the School Board President, suggestion. Guess Carl is afraid that not backing a Mayeyenko candidate would cost him his School Board Attorney job since the job is appointed annually. Shame on you Carl, when the next racist comment is made by SBS's husband will you have to excuse yourself for a conflict of interest and there goes some more big bucks. I also wonder how many Staniszewski posters are on the lawns of School employees. I'm sure there was no pressure to get a sign on their lawns whether actual or implied. I'm sure that the possibiity of losing their jobs might lead to some people doing it in fear. Remember that the school board still needs to make more cuts to get their political cronies or family members jobs.
Are you allowed to post political signs on community owned property?Same old crap. While driving around today it became evident that some of our politicians must be very rich. It appears that they must own all the vacant property in the city since their signs are all over them.
Buffalo Web Hosting and Graphic Design
www.onlinemedia.net - www.vinyl-graphics.com
Web hosting / Web Design - Signs, Banners, Vehicle Graphics
No. It is a joke. I would never, but if one of my signs went up on City property, can you imagine how fast they would slap me into court? They would have giant size pictures of my crime waved all around too, a particular City Hall employee loves to do that to humiliate me. I feel so sorry for him, because he is stuck in junior high and he is almost 60! What a joke all of this is!
Doesn't your community have a code enforcement person? Bring it to their attention. If they blow you off tell the supervisor and replace them with someone who will do the job.
Buffalo Web Hosting and Graphic Design
www.onlinemedia.net - www.vinyl-graphics.com
Web hosting / Web Design - Signs, Banners, Vehicle Graphics
Buffalo Web Hosting and Graphic Design
www.onlinemedia.net - www.vinyl-graphics.com
Web hosting / Web Design - Signs, Banners, Vehicle Graphics
youcangohome, knock it off already with Andrea, you may not agree with her but what she posts are well thoughtout and informative. She certainly understands the political working in this city. Reading her views have made me question candidates that I would have blindly voted for in the past. She does her research well and has given me a different prospective on Lackawanna politics. She seems to have what is in the best interest for the people of Lackawanna. Getting to the point, I have NOT seen any illegal political poster for Andrea in our city. That is more then I can say about some other candidates.
This comment made me wonder.. I"m starting to see political signs for the very people who have been part of our tax increases for the last upteen year.... even the heavy double dippers.. their offspring end up on town board. COSTING US $100,000's of dollars more than need be. WHY would anyone support more of the same?I also wonder how many Staniszewski posters are on the lawns of School employees
There isn't anything special going on in Cheektowaga to justify what our property/school taxes are to live here.
Our taxes when we purchased our home were under $3000 now they are over $5000 and I certainly don't feel like I'm getting $2000 dollars a year in extra services.
Buffalo Web Hosting and Graphic Design
www.onlinemedia.net - www.vinyl-graphics.com
Web hosting / Web Design - Signs, Banners, Vehicle Graphics
Took this from the City of Lackawanna website:
The City of Lackawanna would like to remind all political candidates, their supporters and the residents of the City about Lackawanna City Code (230-41,B,5) that restricts political signs, the code states: Political signs not exceeding four square feet in area, cannot be erected earlier than three weeks before an election and must be removed within seven calendar days following the election. Also please take note ANY SIGNS (Political, Garage Sale , Advertising of any kind, etc.) placed on City property or right of way is prohibited and will be removed.
Buffalo Web Hosting and Graphic Design
www.onlinemedia.net - www.vinyl-graphics.com
Web hosting / Web Design - Signs, Banners, Vehicle Graphics
A quick math question to clarify....does 4 square feet measure... a square... 2 feet down and 2 feet across---anyway that's what I thought---so quite a few signs need to be removed... if that is the correct math learned in Lackawanna Schools over the years.
Residents of Lackawanna how embarassing can your politicians get? I just watched Channel 4 and as a proud polish american myself PLEASE do your city a favor don't vote this election cycle for anyone with a ski after their name. Not only did these three stooges embarass Lackawanna they also embarassed the polish heritage they represent. Are you guys freaking serious?? Look around your city and see what the REAL problems are already!!!!!!
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