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Thread: Political Signage

  1. #16
    Member andreahaxton's Avatar
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    Post Thank You!

    Quote Originally Posted by getalife123 View Post
    youcangohome, knock it off already with Andrea, you may not agree with her but what she posts are well thoughtout and informative. She certainly understands the political working in this city. Reading her views have made me question candidates that I would have blindly voted for in the past. She does her research well and has given me a different prospective on Lackawanna politics. She seems to have what is in the best interest for the people of Lackawanna. Getting to the point, I have NOT seen any illegal political poster for Andrea in our city. That is more then I can say about some other candidates.

    I appreciate what you said getalife123. I was only trying to make a point about the "Family and Friends Club" mentality. I see candidates signs on City Property too and they get away with breaking City laws because they think they are "The City". I have watched them for years, heard a drunken employee tell me when I innocently said 15 years ago to be careful driving, tell me:
    " I'm a, no body's going to arrest me!"

    Come on Lackawanna, the club protect each other and anyone who dares to question their authority is pounced on any way they can in order to shut them up.
    Hence yougohomes attack on my opinion/fact.

    Time to "Get Real" Lackawanna! And thanks again getalife123 for understanding the bar room-back room poli-tricks that con the average Citizen into believing their generational lies!

  2. #17
    Member Mindcrime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caz5 View Post
    Looks like nothing changes in Lackawanna when it comes to political signs.

    It seems that the targets of stealing and defacing of these signs have primarily been Pirowski and Watkins. And the point is...? One thing is ISN'T is mature!
    I only used to pull out the signs that blocked the view at intersections.
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. No one is entitled to their own facts.

  3. #18
    Member mnb811's Avatar
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    Residents of Lackawanna how embarassing can your politicians get? I just watched Channel 4 and as a proud polish american myself PLEASE do your city a favor don't vote this election cycle for anyone with a ski after their name. Not only did these three stooges embarass Lackawanna they also embarassed the polish heritage they represent. Are you guys freaking serious?? Look around your city and see what the REAL problems are already!!!!!!

  4. #19
    Member mnb811's Avatar
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    In honor of the 3 morons who were on Channel 4 and embarassed my hometown of Lackawanna I changed my AVATAR!!!

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Political signs become issue in race
    Updated: Wednesday, 31 Aug 2011, 10:30 PM EDT
    Published : Wednesday, 31 Aug 2011, 10:30 PM EDT

    George Richert
    Posted by: Eli George
    LACKAWANNA, N.Y. (WIVB) - The First Amendment guarantees free speech, and political candidates are free to disagree over the size of their signs.

    Lackawanna mayoral candidate Chuck Jaworski said, "I believe it's selective enforcement."

    Lackawanna Council president Chuck Jaworski is running for Lackawanna Mayor and shortly after he and other supporters put up lawn signs measuring 4 feet, they received letters from the City's Code Enforcement demanding they take them down. Even the city's newspaper ran a reminder weeks ago showing the 15-year-old city law that requires election signs be no more than 4 square feet or 2X2.

    "If my signs were illegal, and they were bigger than 4 square feet, why do the other candidates have billboards that are 100 square feet and nobody has gone after them?" questioned Jaworski.

    Lackawanna Mayor Norman Polanski said, "The law does not even speak of billboards. Billboards are privately owned by the companies and they are not governed because they are not yard signs."

    Mayor Polanski can't run again because of term limits, but he has andorsed another candidate, Geoff Szymanski.

    Jaworski said, "Yeah, it's funny because four years ago, I ran with the mayor."

    And Jaworski claims the mayor didn't get any flack when he used the same 4 foot signs four years ago.

    "That sign, if you peel off the part, it says Mayor Polanski on it," noted Jaworski.

    Mayor Polanski countered, "He's absolutely correct. I didn't even know about the law. All we're doing is enforcing the law. If we would've known that four years ago, I would've been taking down mine too because if it ain't right, it ain't right."


  6. #21
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    Sbs & crew spits in face of lackawanna residents

    I see Chuckie removed his over-sized signs, what about SBS, oh yeah I forgot, their special. Apparently they think the sign across their front porch is not a lawn sign. Maybe they think that the sign is a billboard. Why in the world would you think that these people could run a city when they cannot follow a simple ordinance. Remember that voting for SBS is a vote for the entire group. These are same people that for years have run the disfunctional LA school district, ranked second from the bottom in WNY. How can they be trusted to follow any city ordinances or laws?

  7. #22
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Root out the best and the brightest in your community and get them involved. The decisions council people/town boards/state level elected positions make effect our community's kids futures. Some of these people will fight tooth and nail because if they loose their position they are going to have a difficult time making the same amount of money in the private sector.

  8. #23
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    What a joke of a city... Norm didn't knwo about the law when he ran 4 years ago???? He was in office 4 years before that.... This city is a joke.. I'm not here to support Chuck but damn Geoff and Norm wanan take it to channel 4 news, it ends up looking bad on them when Norm said "I didn't know the law when i was running" come on are you guys serious????? Why would we support someone who has no ideas of the laws in his own city????? Geoff needs to pack it up with Norm and get out... an they can take Chuck with them... Bunch of Waste Cases who wanna juice the city for jobs and money til they die

  9. #24
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    WNY couldn't be more correct. I have worked the private sector my entire life and close to retirement and I know that I personally would't hire or even consider hiring some of these people to work in my company. I discovered that our governing body thinks that the community owes them a living and does little to repay their trust. In Lackawanna entire families work for the school district and the city. Talk about royality. It is difficult in this community to get people involved because of ties to family and friends working in the city or schools.

  10. #25
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Quote Originally Posted by getalife123 View Post
    WNY couldn't be more correct. I have worked the private sector my entire life and close to retirement and I know that I personally would't hire or even consider hiring some of these people to work in my company. I discovered that our governing body thinks that the community owes them a living and does little to repay their trust. In Lackawanna entire families work for the school district and the city. Talk about royality. It is difficult in this community to get people involved because of ties to family and friends working in the city or schools.
    It's not hard..just have to get off your ass and do it. Remember the mind set of some of the people in politics/government positions. They truly believe what they do it good because they pat themselves on the back so many times they actually believe it plus you have the people who are just self serving. You know who really is good at what they do? Lenny Lenihan. I give that man credit. He and his group have helps straddle the kids of our community with some burdens they will pay for the rest of their lives.

    Now I'm gonna sound arrogant..

    You put a bunch of idiots into one room and 1/2 of those idiots will think the other 1/2 are smart and think they know what they are doing. It's all relative to the group. And out of that group 1 of them will be consider a genius and the rest of the group will follow. I think this is what has happened in WNY politics from the local level up to the state level. Only government I consider "Government" is at the Federal level because it shapes are our United States. Most "government" entities from the State level downwards are fiefdoms that have monopolies on the services they provide. I thought monopolies of services are frowned on in the USA.

  11. #26
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    And another thing... If a public servant says "You know I dedicated my life to the community"... take that with a grain of salt. There are a few that have but otherwise it's bullcrap.

    It means nothing because they are paid exceptionally well (salary/bene's/technical loop holes to cash out) for the services rendered. I know people who have truly dedicated themselves to the community. They volunteer hours and hours for nothing. That's dedication. I also know many successful business people who dedicated themselves to the community and act as role models/mentors for others for nothing. That is what being dedicated to your community really is.

  12. #27
    Member andreahaxton's Avatar
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    Post Whoa!

    Much more on the way........ re: s 230-41. Signs.

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by getalife123 View Post
    I see Chuckie removed his over-sized signs, what about SBS, oh yeah I forgot, their special. Apparently they think the sign across their front porch is not a lawn sign. Maybe they think that the sign is a billboard. Why in the world would you think that these people could run a city when they cannot follow a simple ordinance. Remember that voting for SBS is a vote for the entire group. These are same people that for years have run the disfunctional LA school district, ranked second from the bottom in WNY. How can they be trusted to follow any city ordinances or laws?
    Maybe thier house is being used as a headquarters, HMMMMMMMM?

  14. #29
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    Apr 2010
    Instead of worrying about theses stupid yard signs why dont you political hacks worry about something with some meaning, or substance. why dont we worry about the flags that are flying at our war memorial wall at the Lackawanna stadium,Our troops are over seas dying for us and our freedom, let alone the ones that already gave thier lives and you are on hear bitching about a ****ing yard sign when the flags at the memorial are flying in the wind ripped to shreds and debris all over. Thats how good we got it, that a yard sign is your biggest bitch, you are doing fairly well compared to some!

  15. #30
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Quote Originally Posted by lackawanna #1 View Post
    Instead of worrying about theses stupid yard signs why dont you political hacks worry about something with some meaning, or substance. why dont we worry about the flags that are flying at our war memorial wall at the Lackawanna stadium,Our troops are over seas dying for us and our freedom, let alone the ones that already gave thier lives and you are on hear bitching about a ****ing yard sign when the flags at the memorial are flying in the wind ripped to shreds and debris all over. Thats how good we got it, that a yard sign is your biggest bitch, you are doing fairly well compared to some!
    Because that stuff doesn't effect their paychecks or benefits for the most part.

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