Originally Posted by
White Owl
He stated the discharge is 18 million per YEAR - about 34 gallons per minute. If he thinks that is causing flooding he has bigger fish to fry.
18 Million gallons of water a year + the natural content of Ellicott Creek
Your close - 34 gpm x 60= 2040 gph(per hour)
2040 gph x 24hours= 49,315gpd (per day)
49,315 gpd x 7 days a week = 345,205 gpw (gallons per week)
345205 gpw x 52 weeks = 17,950,660 gallons per year.
Using "white owl's" logic - that half penny tax the County added to our sales tax doesn't add up to much either .
Just look at the photo's - the first two pictures show the Creek at Pavement Rd(Lancaster) calm - flowing slowly. Then look at the "white water rapids at Genessee St.(Rt.33) in Bowmansville - just two streets West of Pavement !
If you took away the extra 49,315 gallons of water a day being pumped in - well see pictures one and two !
That water comes from the stone quarry - some of it is used to catch "rock dust during processing" and washing crushed stone . Then its pumped into Ellicott Creek . No study , health or environmental has been done and presented to the public - by the Quarry or Lancaster's Town Board who approves of this operation . God knows if any agency like the Department of Environmental Conservation even knows or has approved this either .
Ask your local Officials - you take a look - judge for yourself - flood insurance has gone up , in some area's by 40% just in the last couple years .
I said it "adds to the flooding problem" it increases the duration and overall impact of flooding - thats the facts .