I'm sorry to inform you that there isn't a whole lot of jailhouse justice anymore. Some, but not so much anymore.Originally Posted by winfield31
Yes - they have no business in someone's personal life
No - there are too many abused children out there
I don't have an opinion either way
People who hurt kids need "an eye for an eye"
Add this from the article:Originally Posted by MAD BLUE BIRD
"Timothy Green, Amherst Asst. Police Chief: "The baby's legs were injured probably around December 19th. The child would have been a week old and then the arm injury occurred yesterday and I think the child was about three-weeks-old yesterday."
December 19th - two weeks prior to the mother's noticing something was wrong, her baby injured, legs are easy to see injuries - especially since a newborn should be diapered MANY times in one day - washed, bathed, held.
It took her two weeks and an additional injury to see something was wrong?
No, the mother is also responsible and needs major counseling and rehabilitation so she doesn't hook up with another abuser. If he does this to a baby, he propbably treats her the same.
As for him - this is where my faith and I come to a crossroads. I find it particularly hard to have compassion for a monster like this. The only thing I can surge up is the fact that he was probably abused as a child. I only wish people could recognize that mimicking an abuser from their childhood is not right, healthy, legal or even human.
As far as the State goes. Try calling Child Protection Services and wait for some evidence that tihngs are getting better. Every state, county or city department that has dealt with health, mental health, benefits or housing seems to be lacking staff. The departments we need more than ever to rebuild our communities are short-staffed....with billions going to the Middle East to fight a war.
Ironic, isn't it? The only thing we have to fear is...........
............those who make decisions that use our taxes - going forward to keep our shores safe - while we kill one another within our own borders.
Oooops, excuse the head rush there. Crap like this just gets me seething........couldn't help myself..........many apologies for going wa-a-a-y off-track.
But, if you think about it...............![]()
I'm sorry to inform you that there isn't a whole lot of jailhouse justice anymore. Some, but not so much anymore.Originally Posted by winfield31
First Amendment rights are like muscles, if you don't exercise them they will atrophy.
Just ask Jeffrey Dahmer and that Priest that raped all those kids....Originally Posted by mesue
Let me articulate this for you:
"I'm not locked in here with them. They're locked in here with me!!"
HipKat's Blog
I saidOriginally Posted by HipKat
not that it was no existant. If there's no 15 minutes of fame in it, it probably won't happen.Originally Posted by mesue
First Amendment rights are like muscles, if you don't exercise them they will atrophy.
Oh, from what I hear from my friends that work in prisons, they still take people who hurt children to task.
http://www.buffaloreuse.org/~kool aid free zone~
much of it goes unreported. You'll walk past a guys cell and he'll be pummelled, and you ask him what happened, he says he slipped and fell, does he want medical attention, no, OK, no UI. IG will investigate if there are too many fights on a gallery in a short period of time. Con's can call their people at home to check on another con's crime. DOCS Inmate look up, it gives you the crime, and the sentence, but no details of the crime. It would be nice if they did. Most every con keeps a box with their court transcripts, and acceptance into gangs it is mandatory to bring your papers to the yard to get checked out. I don't know how often it happens in other jails, but it happens out there.
Jeez, I hope this guy really did it.
I work with plenty of people that are on work release.
Prison Justice is alive and well.
Just watch MSNBC late at night...
Let me articulate this for you:
"I'm not locked in here with them. They're locked in here with me!!"
HipKat's Blog
I worked in 2 max jails, over 10 years, in WNY, no it isn't. Not like it used to be, and that was my original point. It's only alive and well for someone to gain 15 minutes of fame.Originally Posted by HipKat
Probably because there are more and more baby rapers in jail now.
First Amendment rights are like muscles, if you don't exercise them they will atrophy.
but they will steal from them, extort them, and beat them whenever the opportunity arises. As far as killing them, I never saw anyone other than a gang banger get murdered. I did see plenty of rapists, and other sex offenders bear the brunt of angry cons. Again, at Attica. I don't know what happens at the other jails.
Yes it does!Originally Posted by SafeWNY
Really? I only saw one baby raper get hammered in Attica, and he was an old guy. Easy mark.Originally Posted by Deerhunter
First Amendment rights are like muscles, if you don't exercise them they will atrophy.
Two of my neighbors work at Attica, another one has worked at the Holding Center.
They've brought up several instances of jailhouse justice being dished out to these people.
http://www.buffaloreuse.org/~kool aid free zone~
It's a small world.Originally Posted by keyboard150
Again, this is the third time, I didn't say that jail house justice is non-exsistant, just not as prevalent as it used to be. Mostly because that's what's in jail now; baby rapers.
First Amendment rights are like muscles, if you don't exercise them they will atrophy.
I worked there for 10 yrs. 5 in A yard , 3-11. Had the flats, 7-12 Companies. It happened more often than people know. At the School, Law Library, Metal shop. It happened. They mended themselves in their cells. Just because they weren't brought to the hospital didn't mean it didn't happen. Guys get pounded in Protection. There were a lot of sex offenders. I remember Ch 7 did a story and sent a letter to every sex offender in the block. It was hilarious. They thought housing them all in the same dorm at Gowanda would stop any beatings, what they didn't think of was the cons knew that was the sex offender dorm and when they went to the gym, yard or mess hall, everyone knew they were rapo's. There isn't much that can be done about it, jail is a violent place.
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