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Thread: Lancaster Town Supervisor B.Giza says, DEC wants water pumped into Ellicott Creek

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Lightbulb Lancaster Town Supervisor B.Giza says, DEC wants water pumped into Ellicott Creek

    At a recent Lancaster Town Board Meeting:

    Lancaster Town Supervisor Mr.Giza , declared that there are two drainage ditches that come out of Buffalo Crushed Stone (BCS). They cannot be shut down during the wintertime because there’s a trout farm on Ellicott Creek and the water temperature has to be held at a certain degree. And the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) wants them (BCS) to keep pumping the water.

    Mr.Giza is now saying the Department of Environmental Conservation wants over 18 million gallons of water a year pumped into Ellicott Creek , because its good for his (commercial) trout farming friend ?

    Then why did the Town Board have to vote to approve it = if as Mr.Giza infers = "Its out of the town Boards hands!"

    Is this a commercial enterprise ? Is it licensed as such - by who ?

    Then who's responsible for the increased flooding ? Stone Quarry - trout farmer - Lancaser Town Board or DEC ?

    Did the DEC Study the affect 18 million gallons of water would have down stream ?

    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    18 million gallons per year is about 34 gallons per minute. Not much of a flooding concern if you ask me. Give the trout a break!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I just wonder if this is the great "White Owl" that has been a devote outdoorsman for quite a long time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    The White Owl can often be found perched high in a tree, scaning the woods for his next meal.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Exclamation Ask those who live with yard floods and wet basements

    [quote=White Owl]18 million gallons per year is about 34 gallons per minute. Not much of a flooding concern if you ask me. Give the trout a break![/quote

    If you see it that way - :

    how about 2040 gallons +/- of water an hours ?

    How about 50,000 gallons a day ?

    How about $500.-$700.00 a home, a year for added flood insurance ?

    How about property devalued at sales time because of water related issues ?

    What about the owners of those homes paying "full market value" based taxes while they live there - but no break for devalued wetlands caused by the extra water from Lancaster.

    Lancaster's Government has proved they have no concern for wildlife of any sort. They bull dozed and filled , destroyed every inch of green space and wetlands they could get away with.

    They have pushed out every type animal that used to live in these areas. Just recently they bull dozed a "Protected wetlands" along Ellicott Creek where Herons feed and breed.

    So , don't pretend for a second its about anything other than increasing some one profits . That commercial trout farm is just that - commercial. It could be gone tomorrow and you'd still be getting 18 millions of extra water sent down stream. Its all about profits and Political contributions.


    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Sorry - since this was posted FEMA has increased the cost of flood insurance - Its closer to $1,100.00 a year now - and it doesnt include items stored in your basement so you still need content insurance and home owners as well.
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 4248 View Post
    At a recent Lancaster Town Board Meeting:

    Lancaster Town Supervisor Mr.Giza , declared that there are two drainage ditches that come out of Buffalo Crushed Stone (BCS). They cannot be shut down during the wintertime because there’s a trout farm on Ellicott Creek and the water temperature has to be held at a certain degree. And the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) wants them (BCS) to keep pumping the water.

    Mr.Giza is now saying the Department of Environmental Conservation wants over 18 million gallons of water a year pumped into Ellicott Creek , because its good for his (commercial) trout farming friend ?

    Then why did the Town Board have to vote to approve it = if as Mr.Giza infers = "Its out of the town Boards hands!"

    Is this a commercial enterprise ? Is it licensed as such - by who ?

    Then who's responsible for the increased flooding ? Stone Quarry - trout farmer - Lancaser Town Board or DEC ?

    Did the DEC Study the affect 18 million gallons of water would have down stream ?

    Same issues - same controlling party - new day ! If this was stopping a new subdivision for a donor developer - it would have been corrected 30 years ago ! But it only affects a handful on tax paying residents so who cares ?
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 4248 View Post
    Same issues - same controlling party - new day ! If this was stopping a new subdivision for a donor developer - it would have been corrected 30 years ago ! But it only affects a handful on tax paying residents so who cares ?
    Not being familiar with Lancaster goings on, what's the current issue here and how does this affect Amherst/Clarence/Williamsville?

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