[quote=White Owl]18 million gallons per year is about 34 gallons per minute. Not much of a flooding concern if you ask me. Give the trout a break![/quote
If you see it that way - :
how about 2040 gallons +/- of water an hours ?
How about 50,000 gallons a day ?
How about $500.-$700.00 a home, a year for added flood insurance ?
How about property devalued at sales time because of water related issues ?
What about the owners of those homes paying "full market value" based taxes while they live there - but no break for devalued wetlands caused by the extra water from Lancaster.
Lancaster's Government has proved they have no concern for wildlife of any sort. They bull dozed and filled , destroyed every inch of green space and wetlands they could get away with.
They have pushed out every type animal that used to live in these areas. Just recently they bull dozed a "Protected wetlands" along Ellicott Creek where Herons feed and breed.
So , don't pretend for a second its about anything other than increasing some one profits . That commercial trout farm is just that - commercial. It could be gone tomorrow and you'd still be getting 18 millions of extra water sent down stream. Its all about profits and Political contributions.