At a recent Lancaster Town Board Meeting:
Lancaster Town Supervisor Mr.Giza , declared that there are two drainage ditches that come out of Buffalo Crushed Stone (BCS). They cannot be shut down during the wintertime because there’s a trout farm on Ellicott Creek and the water temperature has to be held at a certain degree. And the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) wants them (BCS) to keep pumping the water.
Mr.Giza is now saying the Department of Environmental Conservation wants over 18 million gallons of water a year pumped into Ellicott Creek , because its good for his (commercial) trout farming friend ?
Then why did the Town Board have to vote to approve it = if as Mr.Giza infers = "Its out of the town Boards hands!"
Is this a commercial enterprise ? Is it licensed as such - by who ?
Then who's responsible for the increased flooding ? Stone Quarry - trout farmer - Lancaser Town Board or DEC ?
Did the DEC Study the affect 18 million gallons of water would have down stream ?