(black)Excerpts from SUWNY front page article:

(blue) my opinions/comments:

“On December 15, 2004, the Planning Board (PB) reviewed the Cross Creek preliminary plat and project.( Mr.Stanley Keysa Chairman - residents not allowed to speak) Three years later, November 1, 2007, the Erie County Environmental Health Department issued a permit to RJF to install a sanitary sewer in a potable water location. Based on information provided by Lancaster's Town Boards and the Developer.

On Monday, November 6th, the (Lancaster)Town Board was approached and petitioned by RJF to approve a permit that would allow soil disturbance to take place on the 264 residential subdivision site. (without public notice - prior to appearance)

Later that same evening, by “Suspended Resolution” (means issue not on the published agenda or without prior public notice), the Town approved land disturbance, declaring that as long as the developer had the necessary regulatory permits to disturb wetlands it was okay with them.(without public input - without approved plat(site) plan - they approved land stripping and "disturbance" in a "protected wetlands")

Permits were issued by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Army Corps of Engineers ACOE) and the Town with no “final” plat plan approval and having a Storm Water Prevention Pollution Plan (SWPPP) in place that failed to ensure storm water pollution compliance.(again , without public input , and with due process , with information given to the above agencies from our Town Boards - permits were issued.)

Schneggenburger declared that, “nowhere along the 27 mile long creek had a sanitary sewer been installed, “until this proposal came along.” He also claimed that such activity would impact the waterway and all municipalities that lay in its path.(Lancaster creates another tax payer/environmental "time bomb")

“The 55-foot wide, 1,100-foot long disturbance has already impacted the flora and fauna in this floodway. This development has had a ”stop work” order issued by the DEC. Had residents been allowed to speak at the Planning Board meeting in 2004, or had their been a “public hearing” on this project, this would not have gotten this far! The Town is just as culpable for this fiasco as anyone else!” (with no regard for wetlands , Ellicott Creek , "Protected Heron feeding grounds" - or downstream neighbors)

Diane Savatteri was unappeased. She came to the lectern to speak to the board about flooding problems that have worsened in the 15 years since she bought her farm on nearby Stony Road. She brought a photo of her place that she said was taken this fall. What looked like a wide pond in front of her barn was supposed to be grassy, she said. (no one at Town Hall mentioned her property used to be apart of Ellicott Creek , until the Town moved the Creek and some of its tributary's - The Board has said , "She should have known better than to move there.")


When asked why the Town did not issue a “stop work” order as did the DEC, considering the town takes over stormwater quality enforcement on January 1, 2008, Town Engineer Robert Harris replied that the DEC remains the primary enforcement agency on projects already underway.(Town Boards again avoids accepting responsibility for their actions!)

Is it any wonder RFG rushed the Town Board into issuing soil disturbance permits? If final plat plans have not been submitted to the Town for approval, why are permits even being issued ? (Contributers/Developers need$ come before Environment or tax payers in Lancaster NY.)

Why does it appear residents have to alert regulatory agencies on wetland, stormwater and land clearing violations ?

Its not the appearance - its the reality - Lancaster's Government is contributer/developer driven - guided by what they can legally get away with .

Lancaster's minority voters agree , they have given them approval by re-electing them . Lancaster's Democratic Employment Agency - is also in full agreement.

