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Thread: Ellicott Creek - work continues !

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Exclamation Ellicott Creek - work continues !

    Heavy equipment operators in place at this very moment. It appears they have brought in "Hay Bales" and a excavation type machine.

    Lets see - first they bulldoze all the wildlife habitat. Then it floods - so they put plastic on a stick to hold back the sediment - Not a smart move - that was washed out the first week - polluting the creek.

    Now they are bringing in "Hay" ?

    With a Town Engineer - DEC - Planning Board - Town Board - watching every step - it seems no body knows the rules or protective procedures.

    Wetlands and flood plains are there by natures design. But hey - this is Lancaster - where if you have money - you can do as you please.
    Welcome to Lancaster NY -
    where our Town Governments motto is -
    "We bend over for Developers"

    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  2. #2
    Member Foot Fungus's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by 4248

    Now they are bringing in "Hay" ?
    Maybe it's to feed the Sea Horses down stream.

    Anyone that has watched the hay bale method knows one thing, hay bales float.

    Hopefully they'll put big numbers on them so we can bet on the hay bale races as they head down the creek. Would that be a violation of any laws? Probably no more than the excavation work at the creek.


    "I don't think it was luck" -Donna Stempniak, unopposed candidate for Lancaster Town Council on winning re-election.
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  3. #3
    Member concernedwnyer's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 4248
    Heavy equipment operators in place at this very moment. It appears they have brought in "Hay Bales" and a excavation type machine.

    Lets see - first they bulldoze all the wildlife habitat. Then it floods - so they put plastic on a stick to hold back the sediment - Not a smart move - that was washed out the first week - polluting the creek.

    Now they are bringing in "Hay" ?

    With a Town Engineer - DEC - Planning Board - Town Board - watching every step - it seems no body knows the rules or protective procedures.

    Wetlands and flood plains are there by natures design. But hey - this is Lancaster - where if you have money - you can do as you please.
    Welcome to Lancaster NY -
    where our Town Governments motto is -
    "We bend over for Developers"


    One of five get a life!!! If I were you I would buy those guys lunch today.... Bring them some hot chocolate and a newspaper........ I could just picture you driving up on the street and parking curb side with binoculars sticking out of the window watching what they are doing....... Fruit Fungus could join in and bring some cheese and grapes....

  4. #4
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by concernedwnyer

    One of five get a life!!! If I were you I would buy those guys lunch today.... Bring them some hot chocolate and a newspaper........ I could just picture you driving up on the street and parking curb side with binoculars sticking out of the window watching what they are doing....... Fruit Fungus could join in and bring some cheese and grapes....
    They are trying to change drainage so they can build homes on land which for the most part shouldn't have homes on it. The wetness issue. Would you like to buy a home that was once swamp/wetlands? Knowing what you know now on how it effects foundations? Water always has to go somewhere.

  5. #5
    Member concernedwnyer's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident
    They are trying to change drainage so they can build homes on land which for the most part shouldn't have homes on it. The wetness issue. Would you like to buy a home that was once swamp/wetlands? Knowing what you know now on how it effects foundations? Water always has to go somewhere.

    O my gosh! Tell me you are buying into their horse droppings too?????
    Who said they were going to put homes there or any building there????
    This sewage line could be a backup or a secondary to future sewage lines....

    The one of five folks clearly do not know what they are talking about......
    Wetland sare protected by the state or the federal levels not local town and village levels......

    The one of five gange should just sit and watch the Tin Man, drink hot chocolate and eat cookies.

    Trust me on what I am saying. I will wash the one of five gang's car once for free if otherwise.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by concernedwnyer

    One of five get a life!!! If I were you I would buy those guys lunch today.... Bring them some hot chocolate and a newspaper........ I could just picture you driving up on the street and parking curb side with binoculars sticking out of the window watching what they are doing....... Fruit Fungus could join in and bring some cheese and grapes....
    Do you REALLY not see a problem with tearing up wetlands, and building sewer lines next to a creek?
    Yes, or No.

  7. #7
    I was down there today with my binoculars, hot chocolate, lawn chair, and camera. After a while, the thought occured to me...are they installing the sewer along side the creek, or are they installing the sewer in (okay, below) the creek?

    Click Image to see Larger Version

    Any thoughts?
    Last edited by gshowell; December 3rd, 2007 at 02:49 PM.

  8. #8
    Member concernedwnyer's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gshowell
    I was down there today with my binoculars, hot chocolate, lawn chair, and camera. After a while, the thought occured to me...are they installing the sewer along side the creek, or are they installing the sewer in (okay, below) the creek?

    Click Image to see Larger Version

    Any thoughts?

    Howell looks like your bear caught the fish..... right in the ole mouth or was that on eof the One of Five Gang being eaten alive???

    Last edited by concernedwnyer; December 3rd, 2007 at 05:00 PM.

  9. #9
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Lancaster, NY
    Posted by gshowell
    ...are they installing the sewer along side the creek, or are they installing the sewer in (okay, below) the creek?
    Maybe, they're not installing the sewer line itself in the creek but erecting the barrier (a more durable plastic on a stick) as per the previous post by Pudge which was the requirement to commence excavation.
    Posted by Pudge:
    The DEC representative told residents he met with on Tuesday that the developer could not commence with his project until a barrier was erected that would prevent Ellicott Creek from spilling over and causing further stormwater violations.
    But from all the information posted on this site, there should be no excavation in the wetland or adjacent area period. If I am correctly interpreting what I have read.

    Georgia L Schlager

  10. #10
    Tonight, at the town board meeting, we asked if the sewer was being built in the creek, floodplain, wetland, etc. We didn't get a clear answer, because...

    Even though the town had to grant permission (or maybe it was a vote of recognition or acceptance, I'm not sure) the DEC is the agency in charge.

    So, I guess we have to ask the DEC.

  11. #11
    Member concernedwnyer's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by therising
    Do you REALLY not see a problem with tearing up wetlands, and building sewer lines next to a creek?
    Yes, or No.

    I have to be different..... Depends! Depends is my answer..... One, they must have gotten the ok to do this work. Army core of engineers, state EPA. Or Federal......

    So say they got permission to do this and received the blessing. They disturb a little ground, lay the pipe, cover it back up, and they be doen with it. Every construction project makes a mess but when all done the result is liek emerald city!!! How many times have you driven on a road that has heavy construction taking place. THen a few months later yu drive on the same road but this time you say this road turned out great. Happens all the time with me.

    Lets wait and see what happens at the end of the rainbow before the chicken gets the head chopped off. In the mean time I am calling their false predictions.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    So are we all going to meet and drive to the Christmas Party together?

  13. #13
    Member concernedwnyer's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by therising
    So are we all going to meet and drive to the Christmas Party together?

    I don't know.... I think they would not survive the trip... They would be in an accident and not necessarily with the vehicle if you know what I mean...... On the up side there would be a trail of body parts so if the family wanted to put them back together again there is always that option.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Lightbulb Was there an "agreement ?

    They are back at Ellicott Creek again ! They appear to be putting a row of "Hay Bales" at waters edge - then the black plastic - followed by stones.

    All looks to be about less then two feet tall. Whats that supposed to insure . The first good rain or snow thaw - and Clarence will see bales floating through their Town Park!

    Not to mention all the water from the "Stripped" site on Pleasantview . That site is now shaped like a funnel leading directly into the creek.

    You know our Lancaster Town Planning Board - led by Mr.Stan Keysa - must have been "unaware" of the issues before they approved the project. The DEC seems right on top of things - as usual .

    Thank God , the Town Board - well ! - you know what they say ,
    "We are here to serve those who support US!"
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    The developer just recently delivered all the sewer pipe, it sits on Pleasentview Rd right next to the old barn on the north side between stony and Pavement. It seems this project will happen no matter what. After all, its out of the towns hands, just ask em.

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