Originally Posted by gshowell
Tonight, at the town board meeting, we asked if the sewer was being built in the creek, floodplain, wetland, etc. We didn't get a clear answer, because...
Even though the town had to grant permission (or maybe it was a vote of recognition or acceptance, I'm not sure) the DEC is the agency in charge.
So, I guess we have to ask the DEC.
The Town is the designated lead agency and therefore has the final say on anything involved. They can say yes, they can say no. They just love to pass the buck.
It's pretty funny how one member of this message board likes to say that the developers would know better than causing a problem the could impact many residents, yet they knew so much about the lay of the land that their bags on sticks fell down under the pressure of the water and soil barriers breached. Ummm...it's a creek...it has lot's of water during rains and snow melt...it always floods...(makes you wonder about the results of any "studies" done on the land to be used for lots).
It's time for the "lead agency" to grow some stones and do what is right for the community, not the developer pals.
I do like that fact that the developer's representative shows up at the meeting last night, just to "set the record straight" and no one asked him to be there. Hmmm...this has happened before.
What's really sad about all this is that if it wasn't for residents bringing this to the forefront, the botched attempt at stopping sediment from entering the creek would have continued without notice and left as is. Kudos folks. It will be interesting to see where this goes.
Originally Posted by
I don't know.... I think they would not survive the trip... They would be in an accident and not necessarily with the vehicle if you know what I mean...... On the up side there would be a trail of body parts so if the family wanted to put them back together again there is always that option.
We know which parts he'd keep (probably in a jar next to the bed filled with dainty purple liquid, call them...Prince's Purple Pickles). Yum!
4achange, don't mind him, he like to threaten. He's done it before, he'll do it again. No big deal.
"I don't think it was luck" -Donna Stempniak, unopposed candidate for Lancaster Town Council on winning re-election.
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