Tops @ French/Transit and Wegmans at Losson/Transit:

There is a P.O.S. woman in her Late 30s(too kind maybe)? to Late 40s? who comes out of nowhere with a fake cry and story about how she ran out of gas, has no money, and someone near to her has been rushed to hospital and she needs to get there... If this woman approaches you, run her down! She tried this B.S. on my parents last week at Wegmans and yesterday at Tops. Although mom and dad told her to go to hell, they were startled to say the least. I'm sure she goes to all of the stores in the area where our elders shop. Within minutes of this last time at Tops, yesterday, I went looking for her to no avail. However, I did alert Both Tops and Wegmans. Maybe their security will catch this cretin. They should watch their parking lots as well as inside their stores.