Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief ( )

This story will focus only secondarily on the latest news in the Sibel Edmonds case--The FBI translator who discovered incriminating conversations in her eavesdropping on Turkish phone traffic, and how her FBI superiors discouraged her revelations and refused to fire other translators who were falsifying translations to cover for this Turkish nuclear smuggling ring. It turns out that the Turkish government was one of the prime middleman facilitators in the secret US policy of feeding nuclear knowhow and equipment to the Pakistani smuggling ring of A Q Khan. This, in part, explains the US deference to Turkey in foreign policy and its timidity in coming down hard on Turkish violations of human rights.

There are many ramifications to this story, and it is interwoven with the role of the Pakistani ISI in running the surrogate war against the Russians in Afghanistan (in exchange for nuclear secrets from the US) as well as feeding false nuclear information and faulty equipment to Iran in its nuclear program. The US was also involved in feeding (through Khan) nuclear plans and equipment to North Korea, the very enemy the US pretends to be trying to stop now. Obviously, NK bypassed the US disinformation portion and got what it needed from its mentors Russia and China (a fact the US continues to deny, pretending that China and Russia are helping bring NK into international compliance).

The big story I wish to concentrate on is about how the US has put a lock on the establishment media so they won't touch this story, and a UK newspaper that dared tell what it could. When the media goes along with a government cover-up this is always evidence of an important conspiracy. The FBI is trying to quash any further investigative reporting by the Sunday Times. It has filed a formal complaint demanding that their investigative report, Joe Lauria, cease talking to the FBI agents involved. Too Late. Lauria already got them to talk, and they have reluctantly confirmed much of what Sibel Edmunds claims the FBI is covering up.

This story tells a lot about the voluntary collusion that goes on between establishment journalists and the US government. It also tells much about how the government threatens its own employees to keep them from becoming whistleblowers. Journalists live by "access" to government sources (which often feed them disinformation) so the threat of being cut off is always worrisome to a reporter. But the problem goes even higher than that. Lauria explains that there is a total block in the establishment media about any story that demonstrates official collusion and corruption of the US government itself. The media will gladly receive proof of a rogue agent or rogue corruption--but not official collusion or conspiracy to do illegal acts--what I have been saying for years.

Here are excerpts from Scott Horton's interview and commentary about Joe Laurie's blockbuster story in the Sunday Times [my comments in brackets]. He begins with Lauria's background summary of what Sibel Edmunds claims.

"'What Sibel revealed to us, and has been revealing little by little since January, is that she has heard that there was a nuclear procurement ring operating inside the US to procure nuclear designs and parts for the AQ Khan network, and it was done not through Pakistani intelligence directly, but through the Turkish embassy. Turkish businessmen who got the information and gave it to Turkish military attaches, who then turned it over to the [Pakistani] ISI, and from there went on to the nuclear black market. To procure these parts and designs, high government US officials helped facilitate Turkish-Israeli PhD students to get into nuclear facilities in the US, they worked with the RAND corporation [A known CIA front] as well, some moles with RAND to help get this information. There was at least one American company, Giza Technologies, that was helping with parts, probably there were others, and this thing went on from 1995 at least until 2002, and it could still be going on - when this operation was shut down by the Dept of Defense and the State Dept. Now, Sibel tells us that high government officials inside those two departments -- Defense and State -- were involved in this ring. She has named them on her website - at least, she has not named them, she has photographs of people - other bloggers have named them.'

"And you go back to AQ Khan's network in the 70s and the Reagan administration, you can even go back further to the Carter administration when they tried to go after the Pakistanis to try to stop them from developing a nuclear weapon. Then when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, they needed Pakistan to help arrange the payment and the training of the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan, so they suddenly turned a blind eye to Pakistan's nuclear program. And the Reagan administration almost actively helped them do this because the Chinese were giving information to Pakistan, and they wanted the Chinese nuclear business for Westinghouse, it's obvious that the administrations starting from Carter and all the way to the current administration has helped the AQ Khan network - at least by either protecting it, or even actively helping it, so this is just another phase of it...."

One of the prime evidences of cover-up is when the FBI hides or destroys the files it has on the subject. Joel Lauria: "The FBI was asked in a Freedom of Information request to reveal the files of Sibel's case, they claimed that the files don't exist, [but] I saw an FBI document that shows that the files do exist - it could be that they were destroyed, so they could be telling the truth there - so obviously there appears to be a lot of cover-up going on, and they shut down the investigation. So you were saying why the CIA, on one hand seemed to be working with this network, and on the other hand they seem to be shutting it down... the FBI agents I spoke to were trying to do their job, just like the customs officials were trying to do their job, but when they get too close to uncovering official involvement, it had to be stopped....

"In the interview, Lauria says that he spoke at length to the three FBI agents who were Sibel's immediate bosses at the FBI and that they 'corroborated in general terms, that this story is true.' Lauria describes how he recently interviewed one of the FBI agents at his home for 90 minutes, and met another of Sibel's former bosses several times outside his house. The agents are unwilling to provide detailed corroboration on a lot of the details in the case because they fear being sent to prison, but their willingness to speak to Lauria about the case, and their supportive statements that 'She's not crazy,' provide generalized corroboration on the case. The FBI itself is not happy that Lauria and the Sunday Times are still looking into the Edmonds case and they made a 'formal complaint' with the Sunday Times (a British media outlet!) that Lauria stay away from the agents.

"David Rose, author of the Vanity Fair article on Sibel's case, and the only other journalist who has been able to speak to some of the first-hand sources--from the FBI, Dept of Justice, and Congress--in Sibel's case, also reported how fearful his sources are: 'The people that I talked to about these tapes are extremely nervous. There is a climate in America now which is punitive towards people who are suspected of disclosing information without authorization to journalists. The approach of the Bush administration is to punish people who come forward.'

"The good news is that Joe Lauria and the Times have a lot more information about the case that they haven't yet published, and are still actively investigating--8 months after their first article was published, and 6 years since Sibel first went to Congress. It is no wonder that the FBI is nervous and issuing formal complaints.

"Lauria excoriates the US media in the interview: '....I'll tell you, and I haven't revealed this [before], but I went to the Boston Globe because I've worked seven years for them as a correspondent, mostly at the UN, and I laid out the story for them, I wanted some American media attention and I talked to a correspondent that I've worked with for years at the Washington bureau and I could not convince her in an hour to even look into this story, let alone to buy any of what I was telling her. Horton: Really? Lauria: Yeah. they didn't think there was anything to it and that Sibel obviously was not credible without even checking it out.

"Centrism is the philosophy of the American media -- and that essentially backs the status quo, when you're a centrist, and this game of objectivity that they play is really limited by parameters that you're allowed to ask questions and to investigate and in a sense then you're transmitting these assumptions...The mindset of the American mainstream press does not allow certain ideas to easily filter through: the idea that high-ranking US officials might actually be facilitating this... It's entertainment all the time, the presidential campaign is entertainment, and do you actually think that these guys would actually go in there and make changes, whoever wins, when behind this wall of entertainment put forward by news media and the entertainment industry is a murky world of terrorism, nuclear procurement ring, of CIA, of the FBI working [Not to mention the globalist agenda of undermining national sovereignty and establishing a NWO--something even these intrepid reporters don't dare mention for fear of being called conspiracy theorists] - and this rarely breaks through to the mainstream press...'"

Lauria also discusses the nature of unspoken censorship and control within the establishment media: "They're 'doing their job' and it's also careerism I think, feeling the power vicariously of being close to government officials, rather than challenging them, wanting to be close to them, and part of the official theme. And of course we saw the cheerleading for all the military adventures and essentially the contracts that come back to the defense contractors. It's self censorship, and if you are going to get a memo from your editor about how to cover the thing then you're not going to be working there too long. You just know what you've got to do. I've worked for them, so I know what I can write and what I can't write."

Here is Lauria explaining how the government lies to honest journalists to keep them from probing further: "I've heard second hand that some correspondents in Washington have been told by their intelligence sources to stay away from this Sunday Times series because this is a big sting going on, and if you publish this you'll ruin the thing - but I mean, as Dan Ellsberg pointed out to me, and I think he's probably said to your show earlier, if that were the case, well they did a bad job, because Iran, North Korea, Libya - so-called enemies of the US got that bomb, or that information about the bomb, and they didn't move early enough to do that. So this is obviously not true -- not a sting.

"'They rarely look at the entire system being rotten, not just one official here or there being rotten, and they pat themselves on the back. And when I say the entire system being rotten, I mean Congress that is enthralled to corporate backers, and approving their aggressive foreign policy that enriches themselves [typical of the Left, Lauria only sees Corporate greed as the motivation, but not the larger driving force which goes well beyond money--the globalist agenda], and does nothing to secure the American people or the interests of most American people. That is not even in the discussion in the mainstream press, so this Boston Globe reporter was unable to conceive easily that a government official could have been involved."

Here's another side example Lauria gave about how the media blocked out crucial information at the time the UN was considering authorizing military intervention in Iraq: "I was at the UN that day, and I went into the public gallery of the security council. it was like an arena before a bullfight or a big boxing match -- it was an incredible atmosphere there, and [US Sec. of State Colin] Powell made his performance, and afterwards, el-Baradei and Blix spoke, and they ripped apart - in diplomatic terms - what he said. But the next day you wouldn't know that reading the Washington Post and other American papers - they thought it was a convincing performance! It was absolute crap.

Horton: "I've got to tell you Joe, I had no idea until just now that el-Baradei and Blix both testified after Powell that day. That day? I'm just learning that now for the first time!" That's because there was a total blackout by the media on the counter arguments.

Horton: "...I asked Sibel for a comment about the interview, she replied: 'Again and again you see journalists in this country who think that their job consists of nothing more than phoning the FBI press office to ask for a comment. Only two journalists have spoken to actual first-hand sources about my case; David Rose who is British, and Joe Lauria working for a British newspaper. Why is it that only these two reporters were able to speak to sources at the Dept of Justice, at the FBI, and in Congress who are familiar with the details of my case [Obviously, the others didn't even try or were warned off]? The agents that Joe Lauria spoke with are very familiar with all the details of the case because I worked directly with them. Yes, it is true that these sources are very nervous about speaking out because they fear the legal repercussions, however they shouldn't have anything to fear, because they know that it is illegal for the government to classify anything for the purpose of hiding criminality [This is very naive on Sibel's part. She ought to know that the government has no fear of legal consequences because they control the Dept. of Justice and top judges who try these cases]. As I've been saying from the beginning, Congress needs to hold hearings and put us all under oath where we are protected so long as we tell the truth. It is time for hearings. All it takes is one congressman to hold hearings, or to read the classified information into the public record."

This is also very naive. Sibel should have long ago seen that every major Congressional hearing is at least a partial whitewash and never points the finger at the high level collusion directing these cover-ups. The whole system is rigged--not absolutely, but effectively controlled when they need to.