Nowak edges out Jasinski by 53 votes. This town does not change another dem in office for the town higher taxes to come and bring in more illegals to the town. Good luck.
Nowak edges out Jasinski by 53 votes. This town does not change another dem in office for the town higher taxes to come and bring in more illegals to the town. Good luck.
God must love stupid people; He made so many
Look on the bright side, cheekman, just think: The miserable wait for Jasinski should be music to everyone's ears. LOL - just think of all the MONTHS of working his tail off, not to mention his awful, miserable campaign message, and this clown lost be a handful of votes! OUCH! Could not have happened to someone more deserving. I actually wish it was just 1 vote. LOL
Loved seeing his pal Zachowicz get beat, too, two over the top arrogant, pompous - and thinking they were in for the win, then both do down to defeat.
How sweet it is!!!!
I'll have to come back later to challenge your ridiculous assertion about taxes and "illegals" who actually are not illegal. But, heck, the election is OVER.
Hhaha That town has been a train wreck for 40 years this guy wont straighten that out one zero leaves another reports in. Their illegals they entered here illegal. Did you give them citizenship? Taxes one of the highest taxed towns in Erie county. School taxes over the years open up your eyes.
God must love stupid people; He made so many
I hate to say it but I tend to agree with cheekman. People who run for town board throughout Erie County might mean well but meaning well doesn't cut it.
This isn't a personal attack just an observation.
If my observation is wrong please correct me.
We now have a Town Supervisor who was a shift manager at a convenient store for about a year or so. Then got a DUI. That may have cut his stay short at the corner store. I couldn't get anyone to confirm either way. I wanted confirmation but never got a response. Then afterwards began stocking store shelves for Pepsi Co and ran for Town Board with the help of the Cheektowaga Democrat Party. Really? Of the 1000's of people in town that is the candidate they went with. Tim Meyers from what I understand is the figure head chairman of the the Cheektowaga Democrat party. So apparently he was ok with it.
Here is what I really find screwed up. The issue with the woman who volunteered for an ethics committee. He did his due diligence looking through google earth to find an image of a confederate flag that was up for a very short time at her home. If that bothered him so much fine. Instead of just asking the volunteer what was up with that this is what he decided to to.
He could have just wrapped it up at a work session and be done with it. No... this is what he did. Made a small circus out of it at a public board meeting. I was also told that some board members didn't know this was going to happen while others such as Jerry and Brian Pilarski knew What happened to actual team work? Why would some board members know this was going to happen while others were left in the dark? Are we literally dealing with people with the maturity of children? That is what I see.
Now on facebook Brian Nowak has a supporter. I was told the "supporter" is Brian himself or just some person behind a fake profile. Made an offer for he/she to visit so we could put those rumors to rest.
This show's you the mentality of the poster or Brian Nowak supporters...
I had nothing to do with Dan banning a few posters from this facebook group. The day before I did block some people from "me" who I consider just "noise" and adding no value when they post. I didn't know that Dan was going to literally ban people from the group afterwards.
This is a response I received from the person who got blocked.
I told the poster all they had to do was stop at the shop and introduce themselves. Just enough for me to let the posters know it's really him and no someone hiding behind a fake profile. He could have eliminated all the nonsense that people were saying about him/her.
His response was her/her doesn't owe me anything. He/she doesn't. I just wanted to eliminate people's comments who kept on insisting it's a fake profile and that the person lives in town.
Then they tell me this.
So there is your basic democrat supporter.I definitely don’t owe you ****, and will openly **** talk your store to anyone I know. Yeah I’ll be like that now that you guys are
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WNYresident - How many times do you use the "I was told..." B.S. ????
Your broadside above deserves a nice long reply, so, gotta ponder this one and get back later.
The majority of the "I was told" tends to be true... Once in while you get the BS but many times what is said pans out. Next. I offered the poster a chance to shut everyone up and lend more creditability to everything he posts. Asked him to stop in the shop or meet. I just got back responses that seemed childish for the most part. I don't have time for that bull****.
Buffalo Web Hosting and Graphic Design
Computer Connections - Computer and Laptop Repair - Web hosting / Web Design
Vinyl Graphics - Signs, Banners, Vehicle Graphics
Once you watch how issues on the town board play out or are handled you finally see what we are dealing with.
That volunteer issue speaks volumes of the mentality of the person and others involved with it. Very disappointing.
I'm staying home today instead of going to work. Rare for me not to be at work.
The person behind the fake profile made a point to tell me through a direct message is going to make a point of trashing my business to people he knows... That is a mentality of a child.
Buffalo Web Hosting and Graphic Design
Computer Connections - Computer and Laptop Repair - Web hosting / Web Design
Vinyl Graphics - Signs, Banners, Vehicle Graphics
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