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Thread: Another example of the political elite

  1. #1
    Member Mr. Lackawanna's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Another example of the political elite

    Judge Roy L. Pearson lost his 54 Million Dollar Trouser Suit. How this Judge thought he had a case is beyond belief. I hope he gets removed from office for being stupid.

    Once again are some who believe the political elite have special privileges.

    Fortunately Judge Judith Bratnoff ruled against Mr. Pearson. The defendants like in the Duke Rape case had to spend a lot of money on their defense. Hopefully they can sue Judge Person for all monies lost.

  2. #2
    Member FMD's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    I think its more of a political stunt that anything, showing that in the US you really can sue for outrageous amounts of money of the dumbest things... like the guy that sued the homeowner and won cause he was a burgler and cut his hand on the broken glass of a winder he just broke.

  3. #3
    Member Mr. Lackawanna's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by FMD
    I think its more of a political stunt that anything, showing that in the US you really can sue for outrageous amounts of money of the dumbest things... like the guy that sued the homeowner and won cause he was a burgler and cut his hand on the broken glass of a winder he just broke.

    Stunt or no stunt it cost the defendants a ton of money to win their case.

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