February 10, 2023

Lancaster Town Board
RE: Meeting Livestream Audio

Honorable Town Board:

It is one year since the Town of Lancaster began livestreaming Town, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Lancaster Industrial Development Agency meetings. The livestreaming provides residents unable to personally attend the meetings an open / transparent vehicle to view their government agencies in action and allows them the opportunity to have input by contact their representatives personally, or to send communications to all board representatives voicing their concerns.

After religiously attending town board meetings for 21 years, I am no longer able to do so and appreciate having the meetings livestreamed. The town is to be commended for the progress it has made to present an open government to the public through use of its website – present and archived information.
At the same time, I am disappointed and frustrated by being unable to hear reports or exchanges coming from individuals sitting in the audience and not coming to the lectern microphone.

Opening the premeeting work session to the public was an excellent move to provide added openness and transparency. As is the Supervisor’s asking for reports from the town board members, Town Engineer, and Town Building Inspector – all sitting at the microphone provided desks, all easily understood.

Reports are also requested from the Highway Superintendent, Deputy Highway Superintendent, Police Chief, and other town employees sitting in the audience.. Unlike public attendees who are required to come to the lectern and use the provided microphone so they can be clearly heard, these town representatives are allowed to speak from the floor and their reports are often unintelligible – even more so when they are seated at a distance. This happened at the February 6th town board meeting when reports / verbal exchanges took place between four individuals and the board. and where all four sat in last row of seats.

Even individuals attending the meetings report the inability of hearing conversations. Please consider having everyone come to the lectern microphone to speak or provide for a microphone on the floor.

Lee Chowaniec
Lancaster, NY

Planning Board
Zoning Board of Appeals
Lancaster Industrial Development Agency