The Full Story

Audit uncovers misused millions

D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services officials under former Chief Ronnie Few mishandled millions of dollars worth of contracts and used department credit cards and petty cash accounts for unauthorized expenditures — including paying for parking tickets, salary advances and purchases at a steak shop.
The questionable contracts and purchases are detailed in a recently released 26-page review by the D.C. inspector general of credit-card records and contract files from 2000 through 2003.

Investigators audited 25 random contracts, worth a total of $4.2 million, of the 890 contracts valued at $46.9 million that went through the department during that time period.
"Our review ... disclosed problems with all 25," the report said. "As a result, there was no assurance that the District received the goods and services contracted for, [no assurance] that payments were made in accordance with contract terms and [no assurance] that sole-source awards and other vendor selections were made in compliance with regulations."

The Full Story