Oh boy, he said she said issues on race. But can I ask why there is a black police union and one for the whole police force? For how many years has that been? Is that not racism? Not letting white offices in a black union. A question what would happen if you had an all-white police union or a white fire union? What about the NFL if it was dominated by white players like all the white coaches these black people cried and said it was racism. Does anyone notice all the blacks in TV commercials now? I don't care but the blacks that cry do. It's a two-way street but right now it's one way for these people because they cry about racism.

inside Buffalo police headquarters a few months ago, a small team of officers, both Black and white, found themselves in a discussion about race.

The boss, Capt. Amber Beyer, who is white, then launched into a series of inflammatory statements, according to a new lawsuit against the city.

Among them: Black men cheat on their wives more than white men; the Black officers she knows are unfaithful; she would be suspicious upon seeing a Black man in her neighborhood; Black people commit more violent crimes than white people, and Black officers should try hard to understand why white people are racist.

Beyer’s comments are the focus of an internal investigation, Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said. Beyer scoffed at the probe, the court papers say, and asserted nothing would come of it. Gramaglia said that is not the case. So the commishs hands are tied because he has to answer mayor Erkel who is black. Of course, he has to say it.

“There will be disciplinary consequences for any employee who is using discriminatory language of any type whatsoever,” Brown said last week as he tried to tamp down concerns about racial animus among his police officers. Brown himself is a big problem when it comes to race in the city.

"I certainly would never tolerate or stand for any type of racist, derogatory language – anything of that nature," Gramaglia said Tuesday. "But we have to get through an investigation and get to the facts to the best that we can determine what happened."

"I still feel the same way, that this is not indicative of a larger problem," he said.

Look Gramaglia knows the problems with the race problems in the PD but cant say a word or he will be the next cop to retire under the pressure of race in the city.