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Thread: He shot my arm off!

  1. #1
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States

    He shot my arm off!

    Elderly California store owner fires at armed robbery suspect who shouts, 'He shot my arm off!’

    An 80-year-old California liquor store owner was caught on video opening fire at a would-be robber with a shotgun, prompting the suspect to run out of his business screaming "he shot my arm off!"

    The self-defense act happened early Sunday at Norco Market & Liquor in Norco, just east of Los Angeles, after the store owner was confronted by a gunman wielding a rifle.

    "In this case, a lawfully armed member of our community prevented a violent crime and ensured their own safety, while being confronted with multiple armed suspects," the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office said.

    Well I guess if you play a stupid game you win a stupid prize.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident View Post
    Elderly California store owner fires at armed robbery suspect who shouts, 'He shot my arm off!’

    Well I guess if you play a stupid game you win a stupid prize.
    You go!! You old geezer, about time we had some old time justice!!

  3. #3
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    This is why we never allows our 2nd amendment rights to be taken away. AR's and what ever that are semi automatic are fine. The cat is out of the bag already. Disarm all the evil people first then talk about it. Seeing the DNC wants an open border it even makes for more sense to allow people to have rifles etc... Yes even those that shoot more than 10 rounds.

  4. #4
    Member buffy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe d. View Post
    You go!! You old geezer, about time we had some old time justice!!
    ...then, 80 yr old store owner had a heart attack!

    Back inside the store, Cope suffered a heart attack from the shock of the incident and had to be rushed to hospital.
    The 80-year-old store owner, meanwhile, is recovering at a hospital after suffering a heart attack shortly after the attempted robbery, according to Fox11 LA.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1F60C314-C856-45BB-ADB3-36B120A6CDDA.jpg  

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Should of shot him in the he cant bring any more lowlifes into this world...we an over abundance now!! least he had some personal F#$@ with the Bull..You get the HORN!!!

  6. #6
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Someone should setup a gofundme for him. Like a thank you gift for setting a good example.

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