Ask the Town Board about the permit given yearly to Buffalo crushed Stone on Wehrle Drive.
Buffalo Crush stone - People seem to forget part of the reason we have saturated areas / wet lands from Stony Road down/north west to areas in Williamsville and Tonawanda !
Over 350 gallons per minute is pumped out of the stone quarry - 24/7/365 ! That water is dispersed into the area near and connected to Elliott Creek. But it keeps the "wetlands" saturated year round.
The Town and the County agreed to move Ellicott Creek north to its current locate between Pavement and Harris Hill back in the 50's. The County agreed to "maintain the creek bed area" - on multiple occasions the Federal government offered to help fund remediation efforts - the controlling members of our Town Board decided it wasn't worth their investment of our tax dollars.
#Flooding #BuffaloCrushedStone #LancasterTownBoard #Wetlands #EllicorrCreek #Williamsville #Tonawanda