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Thread: Lancaster Industrial Development Agency (LIDA) resignations

  1. #106
    Member mark blazejewski's Avatar
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    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Breezy View Post


    Your signature under-values your frame of mind, numbnut.

    "Probably witless?"

    Au contraire Breezy, your are DEFINETLY witless.

    Nighty-night Breezy.

    You come back, play some more stupid games; win some more stupid prizes, tomorrow.
    Last edited by mark blazejewski; March 25th, 2022 at 12:42 AM.
    LMAO: "In speaking to an individual in the town involved with Waste Management, fortunately missed pickup complaints are rare."

  2. #107
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Breezy View Post
    Not a good look for any government board or committee.

    Would be nice to see this property hit the public auction for back taxes.

    Just saying.

    If the courts hold Fudoli responsible for back taxes and he must pay them I have no problem with that. Knocking off $18,000 on a $118 million budget would lower my school taxes significantly – NOT!

    Everyone should be held accountable for paying their fair share in taxes. So too should town representatives be held accountable for spending taxpayer revenue fiscally responsible. That said, by my count Supervisor Ruffino has knowingly or been unaware of the town irresponsibly wasting over $250,000 in town taxpayer revenues on a $36 million budget. But hey, let’s not go there!

    Yes you are nothing but a troll. You have admitted to that several times in past posts, adding your task is to correct injustice. LMAO! Your task is to discredit, shame, destroy any opinion, person, or political party except Democrat using the most obnoxious, disrespectful rhetoric in the process.

    You have the audacity to ask why I do not hold Mark and numerous others accountable. For what? Holding opinions that differ from you. Mark and I have expressed differing opinions over the years on numerous occasions – respectfully, agreeing to disagree, and with opinions based on substance.

    You are disrespectful, attack peoples personal lives, shame them, offer no substance or facts in the process, constantly regurgitates the same ****, and goes ballistic when another anonymous poster plays your game.

    Not that I care about the fate of the Democrat or Republican Parties on any government level, I must tell you that the Republican and Conservative Parties must love every time you post, and the Democrats must cringe. Why the Lancaster Democratic Party doesn’t shut you up is enigmatic. Then again, the Lancaster Democratic Party is so broken now after the crap they pulled in the recent election, the bailing of Chair McCracken, from the dissension within the party, it has no agenda or leadership – failing even to endorse a candidate for Town Justice.

    The only reason anyone wastes time answering your posts because you are a gift that keeps giving.

    Goodnight Breezes! Give my best to Zellner or Ron!

    Just saying!

  3. #108
    Member mark blazejewski's Avatar
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    Post #3372 on the Had Enough thread was entered here in error.
    Last edited by mark blazejewski; March 25th, 2022 at 07:35 AM.
    LMAO: "In speaking to an individual in the town involved with Waste Management, fortunately missed pickup complaints are rare."

  4. #109
    Member mark blazejewski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Chowaniec View Post
    You have the audacity to ask why I do not hold Mark and numerous others accountable. For what? Holding opinions that differ from you. Mark and I have expressed differing opinions over the years on numerous occasions – respectfully, agreeing to disagree, and with opinions based on substance.
    Lee, we have differed, and continue to differ, on some issues, but I have always left our give-and-take enriched by our exchanges, always knowing that our conversations served to provide the reader with two differing, but thought-provoking, points of view.

    It has been, and remains, my pleasure.
    Last edited by mark blazejewski; March 25th, 2022 at 01:39 PM.
    LMAO: "In speaking to an individual in the town involved with Waste Management, fortunately missed pickup complaints are rare."

  5. #110
    Member Frank Lee Blunt's Avatar
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    Mr. and Mrs. gorjabreezless, your ability to reference public records is stunning! Really, you two outdo each other daily with the daggers of nothingness you throw at those that vanquished you from notoriety. Don't get me wrong you two bozos, DO NOT STOP! Again ...............DO NOT STOP WRITING YOUR SILLINESS!!!. I just can't come on here daily to negate everything you claim as fact. Neither of you can hold a convincing argument on anything of importance because as I've told the readers over and over, your kind deals in hate and retribution and disregard for the voters. On the other hand Mark and Lee have continually kept you in your place, the gutter, right where you do your best writing from. Each of you two(?) old Dems are the best entertainment I've had in many years. I know you read me Jeremy and I know you read me too Carl along with the rest of "THE CREW" from downtown. You know I know what I say gets the rounds. Carl, there is trouble coming for the party. Change is in the air and you can't stop it no matter how much those around you try. Dems showed their true loyalty in the last city election. It did not go over so good in the country parts of the county. If you think sending out your boys now to round up the forces is going to stop what is already well entrenched throughout the plebes, it's too late. The party has been lazy and complacent. It's leadership is to busy patting itself on the back after being beaten yearly. The very large slice of blank and conservative and libertarian voters that never come out are being awaken. They saw Rep and Dems sit on their hands quiet as right after right were stripped away by overzealous power crazed county leaders. People don't trust Dem or Reps much any more. If you the top leadership don't see that it does not surprise me.As long as talking heads like the Gorjabreezless' support the blind it will be easy pickings for me to debunk their lies and misinterpretations of the truth.
    Frank Lee Speaking....

  6. #111
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Kevin Lemaster did an EXCELLENT job chairing last Friday's LIDA meeting.


    Georgia L Schlager

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gorja View Post
    Kevin Lemaster did an EXCELLENT job chairing last Friday's LIDA meeting.


    Yes Gorga, vice Chair Lemaster did an impressive job filling in for Chair Fudoli. Finally finished listening to the recent LIDA meeting.

    Having attended numerous LIDA meetings over 20 years, I was equally impressed by the input and exchange by the other LIDA members present: Grant Getzoni, Lynn Ruda and Shannon Mc Nichol.

    The four LIDA members were dead set on ensuring LIDA’ s Mission Statement was of foremost importance and that the board would act in best practice policies / procedures that would ensure LIDA applicants present all the required information prior to the public hearing to ensure the meeting is not tabled, and that the applicants understand that LIDA approval will follow town code and town board project approval – and not the other way around where applicants would use LIDA approval as a cudgel to influence other agencies involved with the projects approval.

    Excellent counsel was provided by General and Transactional Counsel Kevin J. Zanner, Esq., Consultant Paul Leone, and Chief Financial Officer Michael E. Stegmeier.

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