If the courts hold Fudoli responsible for back taxes and he must pay them I have no problem with that. Knocking off $18,000 on a $118 million budget would lower my school taxes significantly – NOT!
Everyone should be held accountable for paying their fair share in taxes. So too should town representatives be held accountable for spending taxpayer revenue fiscally responsible. That said, by my count Supervisor Ruffino has knowingly or been unaware of the town irresponsibly wasting over $250,000 in town taxpayer revenues on a $36 million budget. But hey, let’s not go there!
Yes you are nothing but a troll. You have admitted to that several times in past posts, adding your task is to correct injustice. LMAO! Your task is to discredit, shame, destroy any opinion, person, or political party except Democrat using the most obnoxious, disrespectful rhetoric in the process.
You have the audacity to ask why I do not hold Mark and numerous others accountable. For what? Holding opinions that differ from you. Mark and I have expressed differing opinions over the years on numerous occasions – respectfully, agreeing to disagree, and with opinions based on substance.
You are disrespectful, attack peoples personal lives, shame them, offer no substance or facts in the process, constantly regurgitates the same ****, and goes ballistic when another anonymous poster plays your game.
Not that I care about the fate of the Democrat or Republican Parties on any government level, I must tell you that the Republican and Conservative Parties must love every time you post, and the Democrats must cringe. Why the Lancaster Democratic Party doesn’t shut you up is enigmatic. Then again, the Lancaster Democratic Party is so broken now after the crap they pulled in the recent election, the bailing of Chair McCracken, from the dissension within the party, it has no agenda or leadership – failing even to endorse a candidate for Town Justice.
The only reason anyone wastes time answering your posts because you are a gift that keeps giving.
Goodnight Breezes! Give my best to Zellner or Ron!
Just saying!