Our Lancaster Town board has scammed the "TAXPAYER"
They claim its too hard for them to hammer out a cost saving contract with the Police Union . So they always forgo that step and hire a " Arbitrator "(TAX DOLLARS) - this is how they (Lancaster's Town Board) avoid doing their jobs or being accountable for the future and present cost to Lancaster's Tax Payers .
I guess they want everyone to believe the Lancaster Cops (who mostly live in Lancaster) are just -
" To hard to deal with." said Supervisor Bob (The Builder) Giza and our Town Attorney.
When and why "Arbitration" is normally used .
Binding arbitration is usually used after "Contract negotiations are at an impasse." (Failed)
The normal sequence is : The Town and Union draw up proposals - they then meet and try and present their ideas : Working conditions , manpower , health care , shifts and so on . The town and Union try to reach a workable agreement. If and when they cant , thats when they agree on a arbitrator.
The Arbitrator looks at comparisons and averages for similar size Towns and Departments . They also look at projected budgets , revenues and incomes(Taxes) . Part of what is studied is the Cities/Towns "Ability to pay"
Part of the reason our Town goes to arbitration is to avoid accountability, they hide behind "Arbitration" . They don't even try to negotiate , with any of their employees . Take the Highway Department or Parks/Recreation - the Town Board has reduced Budgets for them from time to time .
The truth is - Arbitration is not standard practice - the Department Heads create a Budget Request(Tax Dollars) . The Town Board can adjust or negotiate .
It's easier to "Mislead" taxpayers into believing their hands are tied . As with many other issues - the Town Attorney has schooled Bob (The Builder) Giza many times on how to use "Parts of The Truth" - so no matter what you think you heard him say , what you understood was never what he meant .
The Town Board feels as long as they get re-elected - you like what their doing . Is that really what the Lancaster Taxpayers are saying?