DNT should change his name to DNTTT – Does Not Tell The Truth

How can travel / convention spending issues be a “surprise” in 2004 & 2005 when the state comptroller’s 2002 states:

Corrective Action: The Town Board has the responsibility to initiate corrective action. Pursuant to Section 35 of the General Municipal Law, the Town Board should prepare a plan of action that addresses the recommendations in this report and forward the plan to our office within ninety days.

On Report Page 7 – Page 13 In PDF File:

Certain claims were inappropriately paid in advance of being audited and approved by the Town Board.
As part of our examination of the town’s claims processing procedures, we examined thirty-three claims that were paid during the period January 1, 2000 through October 18, 2001 in advance of audit and approval by the Town Board. In our opinion, at least twenty of those claims should not have been paid in advance of audit, because they were not for the kind of goods and/or services authorized by statute for such payment. The claims in question ranged in value from $240 to $40,389 and were for items such as: seminar registration fees, engineering services, reimbursements for travel and mileage expenses, a flatbed truck, the dredging of the town’s harbor, and a video promoting the town.

The Link – Office Of The State Comptroller - Evans Town Audit Page - Click Here

The Link – Office Of The State Comptroller – 23 Page Audit Report - Click Here

State Comptroller ordered town to fix travel reimbursement problems in 2002.

Who is right about the cheesecake as a take home gift? The State Comptroller or DNTTT?

DNTTT is just a cog in the town's spin machine. If the freeholders are wrong then so is the state comptroller.

Why doesn't DNTTT post the towns 2002 plan to fix the problems in the audit report?

Why doesn't DNTTT post the town attorney's investigative report?

Would he have to spin his own posts?

P.S. Read about problems with accounting regarding the town fuel tanks.