If you’re like some you’re probably beginning to wonder what’s the cause of that putrid order you’re noticing more and more. It’s the smell of the rot in our local government thanks to the people that are being elected to office in this area. Just in the last week or 10 days we’ve been treated to a story about former Democratic Totalitatian State senator Panepinto being suspended from the practice of law for a year for his plea of guilty to what was essentially an attempt to bribe a former female staffer who had filed sexual harassment allegations against him. Not to be outdone, his wife, a state Supreme Court justice, was censured by the Commission on Judicial Conduct
for repeated violations of judicial conduct rules with respect to intruding herself into a dispute over staffing at City Honors. And today we learned that the same Judicial Conduct commission is investigating state Supreme Court justice, Mark Grisanti, for that bizarre episode last summer that led to him shoving a Buffalo police officer and ending with him being handcuffed shirtless in the back seat of a Buffalo police cruiser. Oh and there was also that little matter of him acting on a case in which he had a financial interest.