WE GOT U https://t.co/EGevusbBv4
— Story still developing... (@ppv_tahoe) December 6, 2020
The "political storm" in #Georgia was created by @realDonaldTrump & his enablers. The results? I've received death threats. But the loser, here, isn't me. It's our democracy. We must continue to raise our voices and fight for what we know is right. #gapolhttps://t.co/0mhHqDAZ50 pic.twitter.com/A6Iq4MY8Bj
— Elena Parent (@elenaparent) December 5, 2020
Hey look! It's #Elections RIGGING Criminal #ElenaParent in #Pennsylvania counting ILLEGAL Votes AFTER the #Election 4 DAYS LATER on the 7th! She KNOWS what's going on also. Are these ALL #Georgia #DemocRATS & others from out of state? ILLEGAL CRIMINALS. FULL INVESTIGATION OF ALL! pic.twitter.com/AH3Fl484EC
— Alpha OmegaEnergy "The Energy Kraken" (@AOECOIN) December 6, 2020
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