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Thread: Bullets fly in the city on a hot night.

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    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Bullets fly in the city on a hot night.

    Black lives matter the problem these people kill each other. But to blame someone else there right there to start a riot.

    Eight people struck by bullets in sperate shootings. Eight people were struck by bullets the most since Aug 14, 2010. So why don't these people riot after this?
    loot stores burn buildings and throw bricks. But when someone kills these people besides there own let's burn the place down.
    So sick of listening to this equality crap burning our flag they have no one else to blame than themselves.

    White lives matter could u imagine if someone started this up. I don't see why not you the opposite side of it and that's fine. Juneteenth a nation holiday give me a break. How about all these monuments being destroyed where are the cops stopping these people from doing this?

    This country is going downhill fast.

    Not acceptable to the Left: Aunt Jemima Eskimo Pie Uncle Ben's Cream of Wheat Gone With the Wind Paw Patrol Mary Poppins

    Acceptable to the Left: Rioting Looting Burning cities Attacking police Segregation Anarchy'
    Last edited by cheekman; June 22nd, 2020 at 07:35 PM.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

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