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Thread: Bullets fly in the city on a hot night.

  1. #106
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    wow how about Sunday 2 shootings 6 hospitalized. The Masten area was one and the 400 block of Genesee st was the other. My question is are the thugs registering
    their guns online with the state police.

    the city's new police commis has his work cut out for him a least he showed up for news conferences.
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  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I doubt that..the handgun registration program is only for law abiding owners because they're the only ones who are responsible and respect the law...cant control the others...BTW..LAST REGISTRATION..HOW MANY ...refused to register as form of protest for legitimate reasons? 90,000 I read somewhere?

  3. #108
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe d. View Post
    I doubt that..the handgun registration program is only for law abiding owners because they're the only ones who are responsible and respect the law...cant control the others...BTW..LAST REGISTRATION..HOW MANY ...refused to register as a form of protest for legitimate reasons? 90,000 I read somewhere?
    Troopers can't get them all reg. There are so many guns out there that are not reg that the regular public has. Then u have thug guns black market guns etc.
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  4. #109
    Member sharky's Avatar
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    so many gun banning politicians that want to go after law abiding people and ban features, and also claim that NY's strict gun control doesn't work becasue peopel steal guns and bring them into the state, yet they drop charges on a real gun crime
    Vote for freedom, not political parties.
    Politicians need to cut spending

  5. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharky View Post
    so many gun banning politicians that want to go after law abiding people and ban features, and also claim that NY's strict gun control doesn't work becasue peopel steal guns and bring them into the state, yet they drop charges on a real gun crime
    Without even looking at the article...isnt the reason OBVIOUS???

  6. #111
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharky View Post
    so many gun banning politicians that want to go after law abiding people and ban features, and also claim that NY's strict gun control doesn't work becasue peopel steal guns and bring them into the state, yet they drop charges on a real gun crime
    thugs are showing these politicians up when it comes to guns and laws. they do all the killings with guns and no worries about laws.
    Last edited by cheekman; April 26th, 2022 at 11:30 PM.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  7. #112
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Warm weather arrives and look what happens. I wonder if the thugs had pistol permits for the guns. did they register them online with the NYSP?
    Gramaglia is no dummy he knows what warm weather brings to the city.

    two people were killed and four others were wounded in a trio of shootings across Buffalo on Sunday as gun violence marred 2022’s warmest day yet.

    Buffalo police have recovered weapons and vehicles tied to two of the shootings and have arrested three people for criminal possession of a weapon. But they have not directly charged anyone in the shootings.

    “That was the start, and we're looking on making further progress on those cases,” Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia told reporters Monday afternoon at Buffalo Police Headquarters.

    Gramaglia said he couldn’t say yet whether any of the shootings were connected to each other, or to a previous shooting, but they were targeted.

    The commissioner acknowledged the annual arrival of warmer weather often leads to increased violence, particularly shootings, in the city.
    two people were killed and four others were wounded in a trio of shootings across Buffalo on Sunday as gun violence-marred 2022’s warmest day yet.

    Buffalo police have recovered weapons and vehicles tied to two of the shootings and have arrested three people for criminal possession of a weapon. But they have not directly charged anyone in the shootings.

    “That was the start, and we're looking on making further progress on those cases,” Police Commissioner Josepwo people were killed and four others were wounded in a trio of shootings across Buffalo on Sunday as gun violence marred 2022’s warmest day yet.

    Buffalo police have recovered weapons and vehicles tied to two of the shootings and have arrested three people for criminal possession of a weapon. But they have not directly charged anyone in the shootings.

    “That was the start, and we're looking on making further progress on those cases,” Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia told reporters Monday afternoon at Buffalo Police Headquarters.

    Gramaglia said he couldn’t say yet whether any of the shootings were connected to each other, or to a previous shooting, but they were targeted.

    The commissioner acknowledged the annual arrival of warmer weather often leads to increased violence, particularly shootings, in the city.h Gramaglia told reporters Monday afternoon at Buffalo Police Headquarters.

    Gramaglia said he couldn’t say yet whether any of the shootings were connected to each other, or to a previous shooting, but they were targeted.

    The commissioner acknowledged the annual arrival of warmer weather often leads to increased violence, particularly shootings, in the city.
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  8. #113
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    here we go a shooting tonight on the west side. then this past weekend. Two people shot three arrested after sat nights shooting at senor tequila Mexican restaurant.
    Damn where am i going to go for taco Mayor erkel and police commish shutting it down.
    Afetr two AM two gunmen were inside eating tacos then moved outside then shot two people as they drove by. Gunman were using a ghost gun damn didn';t they reg it with the pistol permit dept and online with the nys police. terrible. Now where is all the out crying for the people that were shot. not a word from the media and community.hummmmm
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  9. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman View Post
    here we go a shooting tonight on the west side. then this past weekend. Two people shot three arrested after sat nights shooting at senor tequila Mexican restaurant.
    Damn where am i going to go for taco Mayor erkel and police commish shutting it down.
    Afetr two AM two gunmen were inside eating tacos then moved outside then shot two people as they drove by. Gunman were using a ghost gun damn didn';t they reg it with the pistol permit dept and online with the nys police. terrible. Now where is all the out crying for the people that were shot. not a word from the media and community.hummmmm
    There is a minimum requirement of people shot before it become Hot news..unfortunately this is what it has become status quo...then you have to add ethnic race to the quotient...and depending on race of victims and race of shooter(s) adds another multiplication factor into importance of relevance!

  10. #115
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe d. View Post
    There is a minimum requirement of people shot before it become Hot news..unfortunately this is what it has become status quo...then you have to add ethnic race to the quotient...and depending on race of victims and race of shooter(s) adds another multiplication factor into importance of relevance!
    its not good to have all the media to report black on black crime especially shootings when these people should not have guns. You have to look hard at times to find the shootings in the news.

    Had a little politicial meeting at timmmies the other day.( wow how about the new price increases at timmmies not 5 cents or a few pennies 25cents what BS. all I can say don't go its cheaper to make your own. ) back to the meeting could you imagine if the shooter was black and shot white people? You would never have had all this media coverage and carrying on for months.
    enough is enough. We were all in agreement on that.
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  11. #116
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    The City commish Gramaglia headed to Washington this past week to give his two cents about gun crime. With all the gun crime and killings over the years in the city now everyone wants to talk about guns. Why? because it was race-related.? Yep!! Black on black crime we sweep that under the rug oh maybe a few of these churches say this has to stop. Or the crime stoppers on the streets will say this has to stop. That last maybe two days until the subsequent thug-on-thug killing. Or the thug kills innocent black people. mayor erkel will do his gun buyback in the city when things get out of control. But that's it no talks in Washington about gun issues when it's black-on-black shootings. no special panel like the sheriff of Mayberry just appointed to stop screwy people stopping the killings. Good luck with this. Remember the top cop panel for the city from cops in the area met and tried to figure out how to stop the shootings in the city. That was no more than a round table of timmmies coffee waste a half a day then go to lunch and let's see what we can do. Nothing was solved. So black-on-black crime is ok nothing was said about shootings in Chicago, Philly, LA, and NYC, and some of the biggest blacks-on-black crimes around shootings and illegal guns. Where were these meetings in Washington on all of this? Two weeks ago on a sat in Chicago you had 50 shootings and 19 killed. No police commish's attending special meetings any place. In fact mayor Lori lighthouse from Chicago said nothing. All run by liberal democrats and blue states. Look how runs this city and runs the state. This all revolves around race.

    Gramaglia goes to DC and gets spanked by rep clay Higgins from Louisiana. He told him you support red flag laws that allow law enforcement to take away guns from people believed to pose a threat to themselves or others. You're saying you're a police commish sworn to uphold the constitution and you are saying you would seize those weapons .... Higgins said I have a problem with that.
    So Gramaglia got spanked and shrunk back into his seat.

    You have people like mayor erkel that appoint these people into these positions and they have liberal ways to punish you. Take away your guns just like Cuomo had his plan to do this. What will these libs do when the supreme court rules in favor that NYS pistol laws are unconditional. Can't wait for that..
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  12. #117
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    This all revolves around race.
    That is what it seems to be. Identity politics.

  13. #118
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Where is all the outrage black on black crime with guns and then shooting at cops. Most likely a stolen handgun or ghost gun. the guy was left for dead on the street.

    Buffalo police say one man is dead and the suspect was injured in a shooting in the city's Broadway-Fillmore neighborhood Friday evening.

    Investigators say officers on a routine patrol found a man shot several times near Sears Street and Broadway around 7:20 p.m. He was declared dead at the scene.

    They say the shooting suspect at the scene opened fire on the officers in their patrol vehicle, then took off running. The officers chased him and shot him, injuring the suspect.
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  14. #119
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    busy night last night.

    Buffalo Police were at the scene of a shooting on Route 198 westbound near the Delaware Avenue exit Tuesday night.

    Initial reports said two people were shot, according to city officials. On Wednesday morning, police provided another update, saying a 19-year-old man was killed at the scene and a 21-year-old was taken to ECMC, where he’s in stable condition.

    officers of the Northeast District responded to a 911 call regarding a shooting around 3:45 p.m. on Tuesday.

    A 37-year-old man and his 2-year-old daughter were shot and taken to ECMC and Oishei Children’s Hospital, respectively, for treatment, according to city officials. The incident occurred on Decker Street, near Olympic Avenue.
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  15. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman View Post
    busy night last night.

    Buffalo Police were at the scene of a shooting on Route 198 westbound near the Delaware Avenue exit Tuesday night.

    Initial reports said two people were shot, according to city officials. On Wednesday morning, police provided another update, saying a 19-year-old man was killed at the scene and a 21-year-old was taken to ECMC, where he’s in stable condition.

    officers of the Northeast District responded to a 911 call regarding a shooting around 3:45 p.m. on Tuesday.

    A 37-year-old man and his 2-year-old daughter were shot and taken to ECMC and Oishei Children’s Hospital, respectively, for treatment, according to city officials. The incident occurred on Decker Street, near Olympic Avenue.
    Whats with all the hoopla??!...just another daily shooting in Buffalo...should be used to it by now...wait..they're going to change the name of parts of Buffalo..breathe EZ...this will solve everything!

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