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Thread: Bullets fly in the city on a hot night.

  1. #61
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    So what do you think the answer is cheekman?

  2. #62
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Friday morning, three people were shot in Buffalo and two died. Buffalo Police say they’re still investigating to see if those shootings are connected.

    Res on the news tonight the buffalo peace guys say the violence is from guns now that was a great answer. who knows what the answer is now the cop's hands are tied more and more by erkel. mayor erkel said after today's shootings this upsets him. This guy is such a waste only thing he worries about is canalside and school zone cameras. The rest of the CC is useless too they have done nothing over the years but say it has to stop. Buffalo cops hands are tied and they of late cant solve a case the only thing they're good for is saying if you have any information call buffalo PD...... National guard patrol the streets in hummers and 50cal mounted on top along with the NY state police showing more presence all over the city I would leave Howard's cops out they get into too much trouble with how they handle people. Its gangs and drugs and black thugs controlling these parts of the city. I always said about 12 cat D9's and just plow down these parts of the city and never rebuild. Cheektowaga has been getting more of the thugs moving into the Harlem dist over the years from the city. Now getting more and more Muslims moving in cheek. they will be in the same boat soon.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  3. #63
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    Apr 2009
    After years of careful study and culling years of its own records, the Buffalo News today reported the following amazing and apparently heretofore unknown fact: There is a difference between fatal and non-fatal shootings. I smell a Pulitzer Prize coming!!

  4. #64
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Shooting on the rise in the city perpetuating a vicious cycle of violence. Just like I said cops can't solve the cases shooting are off the roof and arrests are rare. From Jan to March of this year one out of every 13 shooting is solved. Not good at all. Remember those shoot teams to review shooting in the city from the brass from outside the city. That didn't work too well. My idea very simple military in the city. with the hot weather coming and at this rate the thugs will be dropping like flies. The guns and ammo are not being bought at Cabelas figure it out erkel.

    How about the cop that was going to tazer the guy pulled out her gun and shot him by mistake in Minnesota. Gun vs Tazer these cops should know the difference by now.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  5. #65
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Just return from Fl after eight weeks of freedom their. The thugs going at it last night warm temps getting them restless. Nothing from Mayor Erkel or the CC. I guess thinking about ripping up the 33 and school zone cameras.

    Three people were shot in the 500 block of Walden Avenue on Saturday night.

    Buffalo Police say officers responded to the call just before 7:45 p.m.

    According to authorities, all three are being treated for non-life-threatening injuries at ECMC.

    Police in Buffalo tell News 4 a 48-year-old Buffalo man was shot and killed overnight in the first block of Grimes Street.

    According to officers, they responded to the call just before 1:30 a.m., and the man was pronounced dead at the scene.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  6. #66
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    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman View Post
    Just return from Fl after eight weeks of freedom their. The thugs going at it last night warm temps getting them restless. Nothing from Mayor Erkel or the CC. I guess thinking about ripping up the 33 and school zone cameras.

    Three people were shot in the 500 block of Walden Avenue on Saturday night.

    Buffalo Police say officers responded to the call just before 7:45 p.m.

    According to authorities, all three are being treated for non-life-threatening injuries at ECMC.

    Police in Buffalo tell News 4 a 48-year-old Buffalo man was shot and killed overnight in the first block of Grimes Street.

    According to officers, they responded to the call just before 1:30 a.m., and the man was pronounced dead at the scene.
    ...AND the liberals want to defund the Police...good area to to do just that..that neighbod is doing a good job now.of their "own " style of Police protection.

  7. #67
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe d. View Post
    ...AND the liberals want to defund the Police...good area to to do just that..that neighbod is doing a good job now.of their "own " style of Police protection.
    It's really not anything to joke about. You have to feel for the people caught between all the BS we read about.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident View Post
    It's really not anything to joke about. You have to feel for the people caught between all the BS we read about.
    If they're not part of the solution..then they are part of the problem.

  9. #69
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe d. View Post
    If they're not part of the solution..then they are part of the problem.
    To a point yes but on the other hand no.

    Let us say you are an elderly person who has been in your home for decades. How are they part of the problem? Could it be they vote democrat year after year?

    I would say parents not "parenting" could be an issue.

    Has anyone ever compared the number of shootings today versus the number of shootings in the 60/70 and 80's?

    Are they increasing per year?

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident View Post
    To a point yes but on the other hand no.

    Let us say you are an elderly person who has been in your home for decades. How are they part of the problem? Could it be they vote democrat year after year?

    I would say parents not "parenting" could be an issue.

    Has anyone ever compared the number of shootings today versus the number of shootings in the 60/70 and 80's?

    Are they increasing per year?
    Most of the shootings in Buffalo have been in the inner city neighborhoods, predominantly occupied by leaders have been unsuccessful in getting witnesses to talk, black politicians continue to treat as business as usual, police are ridiculed/criticized for not solving cases, even been accused of having racist motives for low solveving %'s by the media and minority neighborhood residents and leaders. If the bkack population truly made an effort to help the police help solve the shootings that happen nearly every other day, thet would come forward with any info pertaining to the incident..obviously they are not , seniors are trapped in their homes while the thugs run rampant knowing the odds of them gettin caught is near zero...and knowing this shootings continue to occur ...and the wheel goes 'round and 'round!

  11. #71
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe d. View Post
    ...AND the liberals want to defund the Police...good area to to do just that..that neighbod is doing a good job now.of their "own " style of Police protection.
    Look what running the city liberal democrats the Buffalo CC a joke. Every major city run by liberals wants to do this look at these two clowns in NYC and Chicago. But stand up for BLM and rename a city street their all for that. Jack asses.
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  12. #72
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Violent crime up 116% in the city and the hot weather is not here yet. Buffalo peacemakers say people need to be educated. where are the politicians? What are they doin The cops g how about mayor erkel he is more worried about school zone cameras. Thank god there pulling them and Ekel is not too happy with that.
    Look what they're doing in south LA. LA leaders going back to stop and frisk in the car to stop the gun issue. cops to have more random vehicles stop in pursuit of guns and thugs. More stop and frisks right in the car cops take an area and work it that have back to back shooting with this method. ciy leaders say the stops are necessary because of the number of guns and shootings in different areas.
    Also, the city is looking to hire 250 more cops. Reforms have not worked so going back to basic policing. More are getting pulled over for regular vehicle infractions broken tail lights etc then the cops go to work searching cars.

    So erkel and the CC stop the reforms and get back to letting the cops do the work. Do you thing the cry babies would like these ideas?
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  13. #73
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    no bullets today the thugs use their car to injure six police officers. Driver of the car a 16-year-old black male dragged one of the cops for a period of time this lead to a car chase that ended in the fruit belt(what an area that is..) this is the second incident like this that has happened in a week. but let's defund the BPD
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  14. #74
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    Brown is no longer the Mayor of Buffalo?

  15. #75
    Member Bfloguy14207's Avatar
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    Lets send in the social workers, waiting for one of them to get shot! It's NOT a cop problem but a criminal problem! This article say it all:

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