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Thread: Bullets fly in the city on a hot night.

  1. #31
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe d. View Post
    POLITICIANS pandering to MOB RULE to save their own elected a$$ in future the expense of the general public..removing statues of our countries' iconic historical leaders...whether deemed positive or negative in the eyes of our current social justice opinions is will future generations ever learn from our it does not repeat itself?? Whats next..burning books?
    People of ALL color should take a step back and realize those " agitators" leading these groups have their own personal anti govt agendas and are leading them by the nose sheep!
    Violence is NOT he answer ...and too many are caught up in this frenzy..only to prolong the hopeful healing of our society of its' past wrongs...and perpetuating continued racism that will continue to divide us!
    yep and again mayor who has been in office way to long and his liberal council. He has done nothing to stopp the killings and shootings. but the idiot just made another pannel examining police practies. one is the naacp that is a racist org this guy is a nut many commissions does this guy have. anothe racists bunch citizen action of ny, how about this one the citys chief diversity officer.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  2. #32
    Member Bfloguy14207's Avatar
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    So sick of this racist BLM garbage. Cop is assaulted, shoots criminal and BLM protests, black shoot blacks, silence! and now BLM is going after the family as we know it,

  3. #33
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    How do Blacks expect to gain trust, respect from ALL races when every night they are shooting , killing, murdering those of their very own race...innocent women and children are shot at random because those individuals dont have any respect or intelligence to talk out their problems with one another!! Black leaders NEED to get their act together, start encouraging those victims(if they survived) and witnesses to come forward to be prosecuted. Until that happens...the Black race will never get out from under the stigma that is attached to the color of their skin!

  4. #34
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe d. View Post
    How do Blacks expect to gain trust, respect from ALL races when every night they are shooting , killing, murdering those of their very own race...innocent women and children are shot at random because those individuals dont have any respect or intelligence to talk out their problems with one another!! Black leaders NEED to get their act together, start encouraging those victims(if they survived) and witnesses to come forward to be prosecuted. Until that happens...the Black race will never get out from under the stigma that is attached to the color of their skin!
    they dont care about each other or the mayor has done nothing to stop it over three terms.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  5. #35
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    8 out of every shooting in the city are black, not surprised. As the shooting in the city surge, what has the mayor and the common council done? they want to defund the police dept, stand up for BLM, and now the city wants a police review board to have disciplinary power over the actions of the cops. Why because they are all black. Fix the damn problems don't make it worse.

    Here is one of the biggest problems liberal demorats control the city and states. Like portland NYC Chicago, Seattle look at Rochester all the same people running these cities people need to wakeup and vote these people out of office. the same thing goes in these towns vote these officials out they are the same party. What you need is a coalition to get rid of the politicians they are the problem not this crap with BLM.

    reasons for so many killings in the city poverty, drugs, guns, gangs. here is another one city police commissioner lockwood no balls to do what he thinks is right why Mayor erkel controls him. who causes the politicians for so many years in the city politicians.
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  6. #36
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    reasons for so many killings in the city poverty, drugs, guns, gangs. here is another one city police commissioner lockwood no balls to do what he thinks is right why Mayor erkel controls him. who causes the politicians for so many years in the city politicians.
    A Buffalo politician , when questioned regarding a problem, because he couldnt get any help or action. when he was called out, said to me"you have to go along to get along"..makes sense, when he was striving to become a career politician...and he was right...after more than 16 years he is still getting along... at taxpayers expense ...and still totally useless!

  7. #37
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    oh boy, itsnot even hot out and still shooting each other. BLM...A man has been seriously injured after a shooting in Buffalo Wednesday evening, according to police tow shooting yesterday and leaving one dead.

    Buffalo police say the shooting happened around 6 p.m. near Moselle Street and Walden Avenue. Three shootings left two dead and a 17-year-old in the hospital, community leaders are saying enough is enough. wait how many times have we heard this. After three shootings left two dead and a 17-year-old in the hospital, community leaders are saying enough is enough. they do nothing about it. city cops have a new shoot team to stop the shooting. I think that all that imeeting to have timmies and talk

    now blacl leader crying
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  8. #38
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    another one dead from gunfire. what has mayor Erkel done so far about this? I know he is worried about school zone cameras. All money making just like the parking meters they put all over. The best solution don't go into the city. dont support the business etc.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman View Post
    another one dead from gunfire. what has mayor Erkel done so far about this? I know he is worried about school zone cameras. All money making just like the parking meters they put all over. The best solution don't go into the city. dont support the business etc.
    He is planning his re-election strategy!!

  10. #40
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Two more shot last night about 3:00 am at a house party in the city. Two women were taken to ECMC. Buffalo Peacemakers are trying to stop the violence. What about mayor erkel and the liberal decorates that sit on the common council? Where are these people trying to stop the shootings in the city? Oh I forgot speed cameras around the schools and now new cameras placed around the city watching you and every move people make. Now Dumb dumb Darius Pridgen complaining about the location of the new cameras. Does this guy ever stop crying there placed in high crime areas of the city? In areas of the city where blacks are shooting everyone. Another idiot politician.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  11. #41
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Another idiot politician.
    You and I do agree once in awhile

  12. #42
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WNYresident View Post
    You and I do agree once in awhile

    You're the man Res
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  13. #43
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Three more people shot in the city this past weekend. not much else happening in the city. Not a word from erkel on another shooting. He is so
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman View Post
    Three more people shot in the city this past weekend. not much else happening in the city. Not a word from erkel on another shooting. He is so
    WHAT'S TO TALK ABOUT?? Just another common occurrence in the City's a lot of work to carry that podium around!

  15. #45
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Another one dead so mayor erkel doing nothing again about any kind of shooting but lets hang bills banners on city hall and cut police funding. This guy wants to run for a fifth term wake up people.
    Buffalo Police are investigating a shooting at a convenience store that left one man dead.

    It happened on the 100 block of Doat Street around 2 p.m. Tuesday. Police say a 35-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

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