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Thread: Bullets fly in the city on a hot night.

  1. #16
    Member sharky's Avatar
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    broad daylight, well maybe rainy daylight
    Vote for freedom, not political parties.
    Politicians need to cut spending

  2. #17
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Another shooting early yesterday morning in the fruit belt hood. Anyone want to take a walk through the historic FB.? I didnt think so or maybe next years slow roll.

    Joe, I think a lot of all these black names on different things in the city are racist. How about Richard Nixon splash park? I am looking for some backing on a rally in the city. Support the Blue Line and White lives matter. Looking to get a 1000 people.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  3. #18
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Oh boy two more shootings last night in the city maybe three, cops can't figure out yet if there could be a third one
    So now 60 shooting in the city since June and not one arrest. But black lives matter.

    How about NYC they shot and killed a one-year-old child the other night. Chicago last weekend 60 shootings 16 dead black lives matter. Their killing each other faster than a war zone.
    All these cities are run by liberal democrats that want to defund the police depts. The best thing to do is to vote these people out of office.

    Galleria mall the other day another fight all-black thugs nothing else to do but start trouble. Ban these kids from the mall, or close it before someone gets killed.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  4. #19
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    Jun 2006
    da Mayor just announced (again) there's too much crime in the city...he'll have a solution in the coming days....da social workers who will assist the police will solve everything (wonder if they will be wearing bullet proof vests?)

  5. #20
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    At this point I don't think there is an answer about the crime.

    We have the media constantly dividing people against each other... Black against white, everyone against the rich and democrats vs Republicans.

    My opinion is a lot of what we see is caused by bad parenting or the lack of parenting.

    It would be refreshing if Mayor Brown just said "We don't know what to do" we are open to suggestions.

  6. #21
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Shootings are up 84 percent in the city from a year ago but let's keep voting him in office. that's not bad. Eerkels gun buyback didn't work too well. I wonder if the fruit belt gang all have permits for weapons?

    Do you think the mayor would let the federal agents in if the city gets out of control? I say no he would have to ask Higgens first.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  7. #22
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    So now the city has the new shoot team review to stop the shootings in the city. I guess one got away. the other night this guy shoot multiple times by gunfire. broadway filmore area not the best place to take a nigh walk at 4:30 AM . Cops can have 20 review teams unless they get every gun off the street the thugs have you will never have a crime free area. waste a time.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  8. #23
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Here we go seven shot last night in two separate shootings last night in the city five go to the hospital. Shoot team review hummmmm. maryor erkel how long has this guy been in office and the shooting continue.
    Chicago the weekend 55 shot 10 dead. look at the mayor.
    Nyc 39 reported shooting over the weekend. Mayor liberal
    St. Louis two cops shot one is dead being shot in the head. mayor

    People vote these liberal democrats in office over and over.

    How about this clown in portland . 100 days now of riots. Now je said its trumps fault.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  9. #24
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Shoot team missing another one so what ever this team is doing besides drinking hortons coffee not really working to well for them. If it did work don't you think all thgese major cities would have them? Chicago?
    Early morning shooting one killed in a triple shooting on the east side. The man that was shot was dead at the scene. Like I said in the last post how long has the mayor been in office and its the same stuff in this city. Defund the police dept, make stronger guidelines to make the cops jobs harder. You have a liberal democratic Mayor, same that sits on the counsel and a DA. thats the same.
    Wake up shootings are still a problem for so many years under the same leadership.

    FBI warns Chicago PD today that gang groups are out to kill police.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  10. #25
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    another one yesterday morning on the east side man shot on kilhoffer st in the east ferry area. Great place to live. But black lives matter as they continue to shoot each other.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman View Post
    another one yesterday morning on the east side man shot on kilhoffer st in the east ferry area. Great place to live. But black lives matter as they continue to shoot each other. least the funeral homes are operating at max.
    Why is it the BLM group that wanders thru the streets, antagonizing citizens..even those who do care of how ALL PEOPLE are treated?...making demands on who and what police officers should be fired...could care less if the police existed or not...then complain when the police cant solve a murder case,especially in the inner city, because no one will talk, complain that the police dont care. They have made their point, and changes are taking place..albeit slowly..but alienating those who are not as outspoken...but believe they are making their issues front and center in society...only fuels the hatred that has llingered on for years of people of color.

  12. #27
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe d. View Post least the funeral homes are operating at max.
    Why is it the BLM group that wanders thru the streets, antagonizing citizens..even those who do care of how ALL PEOPLE are treated?...making demands on who and what police officers should be fired...could care less if the police existed or not...then complain when the police cant solve a murder case, especially in the inner city, because no one will talk, complain that the police don't care. They have made their point, and changes are taking place..albeit slowly..but alienating those who are not as outspoken...but believe they are making their issues front and center in society...only fuels the hatred that has lingered on for years of people of color.
    Politicians in the city control this and make matters worse. Liberal dems starting with Mayor erkel is the leader and the liberial city council the cop's hands are tied more so than ever now. Thugs and gangs run the city. This new shoot team they have no clue what goes on or can they stop the shoots. If their getting paid for thsi its a waste of money.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekman View Post
    Politicians in the city control this and make matters worse. Liberal dems starting with Mayor erkel is the leader and the liberial city council the cop's hands are tied more so than ever now. Thugs and gangs run the city. This new shoot team they have no clue what goes on or can they stop the shoots. If their getting paid for thsi its a waste of money.
    POLITICIANS pandering to MOB RULE to save their own elected a$$ in future the expense of the general public..removing statues of our countries' iconic historical leaders...whether deemed positive or negative in the eyes of our current social justice opinions is will future generations ever learn from our it does not repeat itself?? Whats next..burning books?
    People of ALL color should take a step back and realize those " agitators" leading these groups have their own personal anti govt agendas and are leading them by the nose sheep!
    Violence is NOT he answer ...and too many are caught up in this frenzy..only to prolong the hopeful healing of our society of its' past wrongs...and perpetuating continued racism that will continue to divide us!

  14. #29
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe d. View Post
    POLITICIANS pandering to MOB RULE to save their own elected a$$ in future the expense of the general public..removing statues of our countries' iconic historical leaders...whether deemed positive or negative in the eyes of our current social justice opinions is will future generations ever learn from our it does not repeat itself?? Whats next..burning books?
    People of ALL color should take a step back and realize those " agitators" leading these groups have their own personal anti govt agendas and are leading them by the nose sheep!
    Violence is NOT he answer ...and too many are caught up in this frenzy..only to prolong the hopeful healing of our society of its' past wrongs...and perpetuating continued racism that will continue to divide us!
    yep and again mayor who has been in office way to long and his liberal council. He has done nothing to stopp the killings and shootings. but the idiot just made another pannel examining police practies. one is the naacp that is a racist org this guy is a nut many commissions does this guy have. anothe racists bunch citizen action of ny, how about this one the citys chief diversity officer.
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  15. #30
    Member cheekman's Avatar
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    another shootout in the city last night and its not even hot outside. Brown is doing nothing its the same stuff shootings and killings. they put this guy back into office the people of buffalo are crazy.
    Five shot one killed in buffalo popup parties. these cops cant handle all these shooting and killings they need help its been going on far too long military now needs to step in. same time as this happened Rochester cops investigating a mass shooting 2 dead and 14 wounded. same over there liberal Dems running these cities.
    God must love stupid people; He made so many

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