I'm playing on fultonhistory.com and found this

"1156 Lovejoy, Charles A. Klocke, Real Est. & Ins."

That's the house I grew up in. We always knew it was a glove factory at one time but now I know the company name. The Klocke Glove Co. factory. They had an ad in the 1909 Buffalo Courier. They needed " An experienced operator on working gloves and mittens, to act as a forelady; good pay to right party. Call at Klocke Glove Co. Factory, 1156 Lovejoy Street, Buffalo; day or evenings 29t30"

October 2, 1913 - Save Buffalo from the Politicians

Buffalo Courier Express October 2 1913

I also looked up George Fracasso that my grand father talked about in the past. I see they were well known in Cheektowaga.