"Lefty" Tweeters in WNY Suspect Subversive Twitter Account

Bedenko, under his handle @BuffaloPundit, regularly communicates with others who have similar opinions about politics and life in Western New York.

"I don't just follow lefty people, but mostly lefty people and as far as the local ones are concerned, I sort of have a little bit of a knowledge as to who's on the level, where they're coming from, not just literally but figuratively as well," Bedenko said.

These Twitter users have noticed a number of new people joining their online circle. First, Bedenko said there was a proliferation of hard right-wing accounts, difficult to trace back to a specific person. Potentially more subversive, he says he believes someone is pretending to be part of his tribe.

These Twitter users have noticed a number of new people joining their online circle. First, Bedenko said there was a proliferation of hard right-wing accounts, difficult to trace back to a specific person. Potentially more subversive, he says he believes someone is pretending to be part of his tribe.

a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.
So who is the leader of this tribe?

Spectrum News didn't include the names of the account in question, because it's not clear if they are fake or not. Reporter Ryan Whalen did reach out to the account Bedenko and others suspect is pretending to be a liberal, and this person's answers could best be described as evasive.
Anyone know the twitter account?