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Thread: The Allen Industrial Development Agency

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    The Allen Industrial Development Agency

    So Tricoli writes about Jim Allen. Tricoli comments that the Amherst Industrial Development Agency under the leadership of Jim Allen has not assisted "small business" and has "cost" (Amherst) taxpayers a lot of money.

    What could the AIDA offer to small businesses that the businesses would want? I don't think there's anything. The AIDA by it's very design is intended to assist large projects. So, if that's what they are there for, why is it a problem. What I do find insulting is that Allen has on various occasions been quoted as saying that the AIDA is really trying to help small businesses. Obviously, that's a crock.

    I do not think that taxpayers have taken hits because of the AIDA's tax breaks. Their reduced tax deals have mostly been conducted on property that was giving almost no tax to the schools/town before. So even if there are a few bucks more being generated, it's a contribution that wasn't there before.

    When all is said and done, though, I wouldn't trust Jim Allen with a nickle of my money. He's been allowed far to much freedom to do whatever he feels like doing. Someone needs to reign him in.

    I volunteer.

  2. #2
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    So waht makes a "Jim Allen" qualified in deciding who gets a tax discount to add traffic to amherst?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Allen, like any IDA, is bound by public benefit corporation law that pretty much spells out who is qualified for an incentive. The AIDA (again, like any other IDA) are really nothing more than administrative clerks that review & process paperwork to ensure that information conforms to the law. It's rare (or never!) that I've ever heard of Allen using much creative discretion in his job in Amherst. Maybe when he was is Batavia?

  4. #4
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    No i meant what makes HIM qualified for this position. NOT what makes a company qualified for an incentive.

    I have noticed a lot of people we have working for us (the tax payer) really don't seem qualified for thier positions. Just my opinion, but seeing I along with others pay thier paycheck, we are allowed to voice our opinions.

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