The Politics of Disgrace: Canalside and Collins in the Crosshairs

by Alan Bedenko

/ Aug. 22, 2018 6am EST

Canalside Development and State Authorities
Hey, Buffalo, did you see the news about Nick Sinatra’s deal with the Erie County Harbor Development Corporation to build two buildings at Canalside?
Can someone explain to me how this bull**** RFP process to select a designated developer is a proper utilization of government power? Because what really should be happening is that the government builds out the streets, ensures that the necessary utilities are in place, does whatever environmental remediation is needed, and codifies whatever zoning and design restrictions to which it wants the prospective buyers to adhere. That. ls. It.

The part of "committing" fraud on the 27th is completed BS though.

What this is can be simply described: It’s a ruse and a plot and a scheme—a fake, phony fraud to jettison Collins, a guy they were telling us was fantastic just two short weeks ago but is now the embodiment of poison itself.
If the shoe was on the other foot the would be doing the same