PDF: Full report censuring Erie County Water Authority

By Sandra Tan | Published June 12, 2018 | Updated June 12, 2018

The state agency that oversees public authorities formally censured the Erie County Water Authority and asked the County Legislature to remove from office all commissioners associated with repeatedly breaking laws and best practices regarding openness, transparency and independent oversight and governance of the agency.

The damning report spends 20 pages outlining violations that transpired over the last three years and paints the commissioners as ill-informed, naively trusting of decisions made by authority staff, and hostile and willfully resistant to public requests for information.

Read it for yourself:


legislator Bruso can you stop 🛑 grandstanding over your banning of Conversion Therapy and do something about the Erie County Water Authority? I have enclosed the state report and it is very ugly. Assembly woman Wallace how about those ethics you ran on ????