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Thread: The new fireman structure

  1. #1
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States

    The new fireman structure

    So they are going to build a few new firehalls and stuff..

    SO who get's to build them?

    Who owns the property and is the CHEAPEST property bought?

    Who is the realitor on the deal that looks for the new firestation plot?

    Instead of spending millions on buildings they'll close anyway in a decade can we use those steel empiire buildings we see in tv?

    There is no need to spend like a drunken sailor on new firehalls. Build them cheap and effcient.

    Rumor is Giambras wife owns some of hte buildings the city leases. Is this true? I dont have time to confirm it or where to start to look that type of stuff up.

  2. #2
    Member yokes's Avatar
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    Dec 2003
    So they are going to build a few new firehalls and stuff..

    Firehouses Firehalls are for Voli's and banquets

    SO who get's to build them?

    A couple are remodels, I think only 1 of the announced is new.

    Who owns the property and is the CHEAPEST property bought?

    No but thats not the point. If they wanted they could build 60 houses on the east side cheap, but it wouldnt be effective

    Who is the realitor on the deal that looks for the new firestation plot?

    See study on Fire protection

    Instead of spending millions on buildings they'll close anyway in a decade can we use those steel empiire buildings we see in tv?

    Im sure they could, but would it fit the neighborhood. Dont get me wrong Im all for doing things efficiantly, however if the city lowers proerty value because of a butt ugly structure, thats not going to solve any probems

    There is no need to spend like a drunken sailor on new firehalls. Build them cheap and effcient.

    Efficient Yes, Inexpensive yes, but not cheap.

    Rumor is Giambras wife owns some of hte buildings the city leases. Is this true? I dont have time to confirm it or where to start to look that type of stuff up.

    You fished for this earlier this year, check the clerks office.

  3. #3
    Member citymouse's Avatar
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    The building they are going to remodel and revise on South side and Seneca is privatley owened and leased by the city.
    The news article did not say who owned it.
    If I was a betting man....
    The whole thing is that the city ( AKA taxpayer) is going to pay for the make over not the property owner.
    The rent will probably go up because of the increase in value to the property after we spend a couple of million on it.
    "If you want to know what God thinks of money just look at the people he gave it to."

    By the way, what happened to biker? I miss the old coot.

  4. #4
    Gold Member Night Owl's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    The whole thing is that the city ( AKA taxpayer) is going to pay for the make over not the property owner.

    that sounds a lot like the new library deal.

    oh, WNYresident
    Just to be on the safe side, you might wanna use 'firefighter' because firewomen are out there doing the same thing as the fire'man'.

  5. #5
    Member citymouse's Avatar
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    South Buffalo
    Don't tell me his wife owns the libraries too!!
    "If you want to know what God thinks of money just look at the people he gave it to."

    By the way, what happened to biker? I miss the old coot.

  6. #6
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Who owns the property and is the CHEAPEST property bought?

    No but thats not the point. If they wanted they could build 60 houses on the east side cheap, but it wouldnt be effective
    A firehall can easily be within 500 feet of the right spot and i dont think it would make a difference. According to one person there was a police station that was moved a block because the property owner was connected politically. They could of got a few houses down for a thousands less but changed planed so the connected person got thier property sold for $1000's more.

    that's my point. I dont mean drop it anywhere..

  7. #7
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Instead of spending millions on buildings they'll close anyway in a decade can we use those steel empiire buildings we see in tv?

    Im sure they could, but would it fit the neighborhood. Dont get me wrong Im all for doing things efficiantly, however if the city lowers proerty value because of a butt ugly structure, thats not going to solve any probems

    I'm sure a nice steel rfame building costing $1000's less will not lower property values. Business use them all the time. OR are we doing our best to keep the brink layer unions in business?

    Can we have NON union people do the remodels and building? I'm a tax payer and I want quality work without the added union expense. As long as they are WNY residents doing the work that is ALLLLLLLL I repeat all that counts. AND no i don't mean import mexicans to do the work either.

  8. #8
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Originally posted by citymouse
    The building they are going to remodel and revise on South side and Seneca is privatley owened and leased by the city.
    The news article did not say who owned it.
    If I was a betting man....
    The whole thing is that the city ( AKA taxpayer) is going to pay for the make over not the property owner.
    The rent will probably go up because of the increase in value to the property after we spend a couple of million on it.
    Well this is BS. Ir's cheaper to own if you are still stuck with maintance. How can we get the lease cost of all the firehouses owned by who ever is in question. I bet it's all politically connected while draining our tax money.

    I can't beleive the firemen don't stick up and expose this crap.

  9. #9
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Originally posted by Night Owl
    The whole thing is that the city ( AKA taxpayer) is going to pay for the make over not the property owner.

    that sounds a lot like the new library deal.

    oh, WNYresident
    Just to be on the safe side, you might wanna use 'firefighter' because firewomen are out there doing the same thing as the fire'man'.
    That was a slip. I'l be honest though. If it was me I'd prefer a fireman to recue me, not a firewoman. I'm 220 pounds and if i'm going to be draged out I want some big sized man doing hte dragging Not some 130 pound woman. I give anyone credit to do anyting they want, but I believe men are more suited to fight fires and pulling large people out of them.

  10. #10
    Member yokes's Avatar
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    the first is to be built at 2044 Bailey Apparently an old School thats been torn down. I would assume this is city owned but admit I dont know for sure

    the second is an expansion of Southside and Seneca, not sure the ownership.

    Well this is BS. Ir's cheaper to own if you are still stuck with maintance. How can we get the lease cost of all the firehouses owned by who ever is in question. I bet it's all politically connected while draining our tax money.

    Maintainence and remoddeling are 2 different things. its not uncommon for the owner to provide 4 walls and utilities, what you do in the inside is up to you, turning into a firehouse would probably actually lower the value since it would cost a ton to re-do it if they ever moved.

  11. #11
    Gold Member Night Owl's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Don't tell me his wife owns the libraries too!!

    LOL- no citymouse, I mean how the county plans to use taxpayers money to fund new construction projects.

    from another thread:
    Night owl? your good at finding facts... Can you get a few addresses of the firehallls and zip over in the net to erie countys website and see if we can find property owners?

    so far I have a list of Fire departments serving Buffalo City Fire District:

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 1 - Ladder 2
    132 Ellicott & South Division
    Buffalo, NY

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 2 - Ladder 9-B 56
    376 Virginia & Elmwood
    Buffalo, NY

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 3 - Ladder 11
    601 Broadway
    Buffalo, NY 14212

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 4
    939 Abbott & Hollywood
    Buffalo, NY

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 10
    40 Ganson Street
    Buffalo, NY 14203

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 19
    209 Forest Avenue
    Buffalo, NY 14213

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 22
    1528 Broadway
    Buffalo, NY 14212

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 23
    108 Collingwood
    Buffalo, NY 14215

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 24 - Ladder 7
    108 Leroy & Halbert
    Buffalo, NY 14214

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 25 - Ladder 10 - B46
    517 Southside
    Buffalo, NY 14210

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 26
    703 Tonawanda Street
    Buffalo, NY 14207

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 28
    1170 Lovejoy & Gold
    Buffalo, NY

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 31 - Ladder 14
    2025 Bailey & Doat
    Buffalo, NY 14221

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 32 - Ladder 5
    700 Seneca & Swan Street
    Buffalo, NY

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 33
    273 Kehr Street
    Buffalo, NY 14211

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 34
    2837 Main Street
    Buffalo, NY 14214

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 35 - Ladder 15
    1512 Clinton & Bailey
    Buffalo, NY 14206

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 36
    1655 Elmwood Avenue
    Buffalo, NY 14207

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 37 - Ladder 4 - B-44-Rescue 1
    500 Rhode Island
    Buffalo, NY 14213

    Buffalo Fire Department Engine 38 - Ladder 13 - B47
    398 Linden Avenue
    Buffalo, NY 14216

    Buffalo Fire Department Ladder 12
    395 Amherst Street
    Buffalo, NY 14207

    main office:
    City of Buffalo Fire Department
    Department Head - Calvin G. Worthy, Commissioner
    Phone Number - (716) 851-5333
    Address - 195 Court St., Buffalo, NY 14202

  12. #12
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Step two is to see which is owned by the city and which is leased.

  13. #13
    Gold Member Night Owl's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    oooh, you're gonna owe me for this WNYresident

    I am looking and looking on the internt to find the information you're asking for, and I am coming up with nothing.

    The city/county makes it difficult to find certain information... LOL, they took the term 'hidden agenda' to a whole nother level

    I'm still looking!

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