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Thread: KUDOS to Lancaster Highway Department

  1. #1
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Thumbs up KUDOS to Lancaster Highway Department

    Listening to Bauerle yesterday, he had nothing but praise and plaudits to the Lancaster plowing on Saturday night.

    Great job as always.

    Georgia L Schlager

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Usually when i'm on the road at 6:30 am, Lancaster roads are a mess, including William. As soon as i cross transit into Cheektowaqa/Depew, the roads are perfect. Lancaster plowing has gone way downhill in the last 10 years from what i see.

  3. #3
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yaksplat View Post
    Usually when i'm on the road at 6:30 am, Lancaster roads are a mess, including William. As soon as i cross transit into Cheektowaqa/Depew, the roads are perfect. Lancaster plowing has gone way downhill in the last 10 years from what i see.
    Really, not at my end of town. I'm on the road from between 5 and 5:15 and Central is GREAT on the town side. Sometimes Walden (state) isn't so good. You go from bare pavement on Central to slush crossing Walden

    Georgia L Schlager

  4. #4
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    Oct 2005
    The highway department is the only service our street receives from the Town. Whether its collecting tree limbs, leafs or snow plowing - these services are as good as any private contractor would do. I hope I don't jinx my self but - my mail box hasn't been knocked down by the plow in years. Thank You All !
    Our road is a county road - yet every time I look Lancaster's plow comes through. The only down side is once we are off our road we see what the roads are truly like.
    Now if I can get the ditch's clean I'll have nothing to complain about. Well - that's not exactly true - still paying way to much property taxes for living in a flood plain !

    While I'm at it - let me say thank you to the LVAC people and our newer police officers (men/women). I have managed to have pleasant conversations with a few newer officers and they have good attitudes and seem approachable and friendly. Glad to see the change !

    Just sayin !
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  5. #5
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    4248, I agree with your post.

  6. #6
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4248 View Post
    The highway department is the only service our street receives from the Town. Whether its collecting tree limbs, leafs or snow plowing - these services are as good as any private contractor would do. I hope I don't jinx my self but - my mail box hasn't been knocked down by the plow in years. Thank You All !
    Our road is a county road - yet every time I look Lancaster's plow comes through. The only down side is once we are off our road we see what the roads are truly like.
    Now if I can get the ditch's clean I'll have nothing to complain about. Well - that's not exactly true - still paying way to much property taxes for living in a flood plain !

    While I'm at it - let me say thank you to the LVAC people and our newer police officers (men/women). I have managed to have pleasant conversations with a few newer officers and they have good attitudes and seem approachable and friendly. Glad to see the change !

    Just sayin !
    I agree. I believe the plow jockeys come out when the LPD inform them of the need.
    When it snows overnight, they're out there at 1:30-2:00am.

    Georgia L Schlager

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4248 View Post
    The highway department is the only service our street receives from the Town. Whether its collecting tree limbs, leafs or snow plowing - these services are as good as any private contractor would do. I hope I don't jinx my self but - my mail box hasn't been knocked down by the plow in years. Thank You All !
    Our road is a county road - yet every time I look Lancaster's plow comes through. The only down side is once we are off our road we see what the roads are truly like.
    Now if I can get the ditch's clean I'll have nothing to complain about. Well - that's not exactly true - still paying way to much property taxes for living in a flood plain !

    While I'm at it - let me say thank you to the LVAC people and our newer police officers (men/women). I have managed to have pleasant conversations with a few newer officers and they have good attitudes and seem approachable and friendly. Glad to see the change !

    Just sayin !
    It is good to see that you have developed such a good relationship with the police and LVAC. In your discussions with them can you encourage both parties to urge their respective leadership to publish reports on crime statistics and substance abuse in Lancaster?

    We always here about the good services provided by both (and they do) but we never get any data or information to substantiate their good works.

    We are daily bombarded with information on the opioid crisis in the media. We receive information from the county regarding related deaths. I have heard the Supervisor openly tell me at a meeting that we have a serious drug problem in Lancaster, yet any information I seek on substance abuse numbers (not names or private information) such information was not provided from either the police or LVAC. LVAC does put out an occasional report on number of calls but is not definitive on reasons for calls.

    We now get a comprehensive Dog Control report that shines light on all dog handling issues but we hear near zero on crime stats or substance abuse issues.

  8. #8
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    Speaking of LVAC Why don't they have any 4 wheel drive ambulances ? are refered to as a Type I (a box on Ford F-550 4x4, Dodge Ram 4x4 chassis's etc..) which again is becoming the national standard across the country for emergency transport even in areas that don't get snow because they last longer, are more dependable & give the patient a smoother ride and they may need to use the 4x4 drive someday. In WNY more then half the year is winter and their lots & lots of major snow storms that you need a 4x4 to just be able drive on the road, I didn't think their is even 1 4x4 Ambulance in all of Erie County. Thats why in the last major snow storm they were taking people to the hospital in the back of pick ups seen on CNN, Fox News, & Weather Channel, Also half of the population in Lancaster lives in the south part, Why don't LVAC station a Ambulance in the south part of the town, It's a long response time to wait for a ambulance to come from Walden & Central

  9. #9
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Lee Chowaniec:
    We are daily bombarded with information on the opioid crisis in the media. We receive information from the county regarding related deaths. I have heard the Supervisor openly tell me at a meeting that we have a serious drug problem in Lancaster, yet any information I seek on substance abuse numbers (not names or private information) such information was not provided from either the police or LVAC. LVAC does put out an occasional report on number of calls but is not definitive on reasons for calls.

    We now get a comprehensive Dog Control report that shines light on all dog handling issues but we hear near zero on crime stats or substance abuse issues.
    On the LVAC website, they have call statistic by medical category for the years 2012-2014 but there is no named category for drug overdose or something similar. There is no such list for the years after 2014 that I can find

    Georgia L Schlager

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorja View Post
    On the LVAC website, they have call statistic by medical category for the years 2012-2014 but there is no named category for drug overdose or something similar. There is no such list for the years after 2014 that I can find
    I hear LVAC encryped their radios just Lancaster PD. So people can't listen on their Scanners What are they hiding ?? Big City's don't even buy encryped radios because they are very expensive and the money is put to better use.

  11. #11
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    Sorry - I don't wish to imply in any way shape or form that I could or would imply how they do their jobs. I don't suggest to them what information they should or shouldn't make public. For obvious reasons - I bet the members I talk to don't brag much about it at work.

    I am simply stating the "Newer Members" seem to act totally professional when ever I encounter them.
    #Dems play musical chairs + patronage and nepotism = entitlement !

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jennifer7 View Post
    I hear LVAC encryped their radios just Lancaster PD. So people can't listen on their Scanners What are they hiding ?? Big City's don't even buy encryped radios because they are very expensive and the money is put to better use.
    In speaking to someone who has a scanner I have been told that LVAC has not encrypted their radios, just changed frequencies where their calls can still be picked up with a new, high range priced scanner.

    Regardless, I believe both police and LVAC calls should not be made available to the public. IMHO, that is an invasion of privacy. I do believe that both parties should put out reports that inform the public of number of calls they receive and categorized as to nature of calls that results in the public knowing what takes place in town regarding:

    Police - criminal activity and types
    LVAC – number of calls where substance abuse numbers are provided and types (drugs/alcohol)

    Numbers, no personal data. Won’t happen. What happens in Lancaster stays in Lancaster.

  13. #13
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    That snow was a blt$h to shovel this morning UGH

    Georgia L Schlager

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