Mr. Marrano, in a separate thread Gorja provided the following post regarding the new property assesment for the Lancaster airport:

"95.00-4-20.2 - Ransom Rd property purchased from E&E
Full assessed value- $940,000 ALL TAXABLE

Check this out-
105.00-3044.211-4343 Walden Ave
Old full value- $358,696 Assessed value-$330,000
New assessed full value- $3,225,000 ALL TAXABLE

See Marrano kept his word."

In another post from Gorja last year the following information was offered regarding IDAs the airport is receiving:

"What's with the exemptions?
4343 Walden Ave
The property above in 4248's post- Assessed at $672,000, Full market val $722,581 has an IND DEVEL exemption of $672,000.
According to Lancaster tax site pd 2009 county tax $1809.63 in which the true tax would have been $9253.61. No school tax due or paid in 2008.
4343 Walden Ave
This property's assessed value is $453,000. Full market val is $483,871. has an IND DEVEL exemption of $450,000.
According to Lancaster tax site pd 2009 county tax $1212.13 in which the true tax would have been $6196.94. No school tax due or paid in 2008.

The third parcel has no exemptions.
4343 Walden Ave
Assessed value $330,000. Full market value $354,839
Pd 2009 county tax and true tax were $4854.88. Pd 2008 school tax of $5259.40."

With this information in mind, the questions we would like to pose to you Mr. Marrano are the following:

1) What are the 2010 estimated total (County, Town and School) taxes for the airport on the E&E property they purchased? (this was provided to the residents in the recent mailing from your office, so presumably it is also available for the airport)

2) What are the 2010 estimated total taxes for the rest of the airport property and buildings?

3) In the lastest property assessment posted on the Town web site the total assessed value for the airport land and buildings (not counting the E&E property) is $3,225,000 of which the land counts for $2,983,400, leaving only $241,600 for all of the hangers etc that they build there. The above post from Gorja indicates the Full Market value for these building is $1,561,291, the assessed value is $1,455,000 and the IDA reduction is $1,122,000 leaving $333,000 assessed value to be taxed vs. the $241,600 indicated on the Lancaster Town web site. What accounts for this difference?

4) When do these IDAs expire?

The residents greatly appreciate your openess and willingness to answer our questions, as well as keeping your word as indicated by Gorja above.