Well let me put it to you this way. My bottom line grows quicker through new builds then it does through the Buffalo Preservation program.Originally Posted by Timmy
BTW-Have you noticed all of the Contractor/Developers lining up to rehab old, out of date and code, buildings through Historical Preservation guidelines?
One or two project every ten to fifteen years is not a success story.
Nor are grant programs that are needed to spur development.
I love what they have done with the 100 mil. on the Richardson Complex.
It wasn't the State Insane Asylum for nothing you do know!
If it is a viable commodity, private dollars will flock to invest. All I see around WNY is begging for handouts from the state and federal purse strings. Strings, that lead right back too the pocket of the taxpayers. Taxpayers who are already over burdened by the taxes they pay and owe. Many, who owe much in back taxes, are being foreclosed upon by the county. Unless of course your name is…..ohhh, I don’t know? George Holt!
None of these qualities equals a viable investment risk. They can raise the Moody/Fitch to Baa3,it will not stay there long with the debt piling up in the city, county and state.
Yes debt, The amount of borrowing these guys have done has put us so far behind the mark. Kind of ironic considering some of the members on this board, who like to complain about the Fed deficit and here their own is oblivious to them.
If it walks like a duck.