The ABC’s of Insurance Presents: “The Real Estate Series II” hosted by Lester Robinson and Guest Thomas Christy founder of F.A.I.R. Government
A Western New York TV series on insurance and real estate
Lester Robinson of the Northwoods Agency and his guest will be Thomas Christy the founder of the FAIR Government. Tom explained how and why FAIR Government was set up to help the tax payer understand local and state budgets. Tom wants people in the community to review the local budgets, and see if their local government is wasting money, and look for ways to save money on people’s taxes. Tom states in the interview, that in the long run this will save taxpayers money and have a more understanding of how government budget works. Tom also hopes that FAIR government will bring a better understanding of how government works. This FAIR government is total free to anyone in the world, and is a non for profit organization.
Thomas Christy will review on how FAIR government helps all people to understand and save money on their taxes This is a one of a 9–episode series exploring real estate for the first time buyer topics ranging from the buying tips to how to lower your property taxes, and the future of real estate in Western New York. The ABC’s of Insurance presents the “Real Estate TV Series II is hosted by Lester J. Robinson and airs Thursday March 15 at 10:00 am & 6:30pm and Friday March 16 at 2:00pm, Tuesday March 20, at 8:30 pm, Wednesday March 21, at 5:00 am on Niagara County’s LCTV Channel 20. The series also airs Wednesday March 14, at 10:35pm on Erie County’s Time Warner Channel 20.
Other programs in The ABC’s of Insurance will presents the “Real Estate TV Series II” explaining the real estate closing process for first time buyer, legal contracts, lowering taxes, home inspection, mortgages, home equity loans, builder risk insurance, rental properties, future of real estate in Western New York, and including special programs set up by insurance company. This is an interactive TV series. To find out more go to WWW.WNYINSURANCE-QUOTE.COM
To interview Lester J. Robinson FICF, CC of the Northwoods Agency on The ABC’s of Insurance presents the “Real Estate TV Series II” of how you can understand the closing process for first time buyers in residential and commercial real estate—or to receive a list of experts featured in this real estate TV series—contact Lester J. Robinson at the numbers above. Thank you for your consideration.
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