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Giving back to the Community with Judy Naylor, and how to get trained at LCTV to get your own TV show: Hosted by Lester Robinson
By Lester Robinson
Jun 2, 2005, 17:40
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Giving back to the Community, and how to get trained at LCTV to get your own TV show

Part of a new Western New York TV series on insurance and complementary health.

Judy Naylor, Program Coordinator at LCTV, talked about personal tips to relax and reduce stress in one's life. Charles A. Deacon talked about being the studio director on the complementary health series, at LCTV. Exploring "Giving back to the Community and how to get trained at LCTV to host your own TV show" is just one episode of a 41-episode insurance series exploring complementary health topics ranging from the practical to the metaphysical. The "ABC's of Insurance Complementary Health TV Series" is hosted by Lester J. Robinson and airs Thursday June 16, at 6:30pm and Friday June 17, at 2:00pm, and Tuesday June 21, at 8:30pm, on Niagara County's LCTV Channel 20. The series also airs Wednesday June 15, at 10:35pm on Erie County's Adelphia Channel 20.

Judy talked about Global Volunteers, The Dale Association in Lockport, NY, and how they help you to enjoy your life to the fullest. By helping other people this helps you to relax, and enjoy life, by giving back to the community. Charles also talked about working on the complementary health series, and other shows that he has worked on at LCTV. He also talked about the A.M. Lockport Toastmasters, and how they can help you in public speaking. If you are interested in receiving training at LCTV, call Greg Larson at 716-434-1733 or go to the web site at WWW.LCTV.NET to learn more about LCTV training program and Summer Youth TV program.

The basic idea of an interactive TV show with using the Internet is to bring the next level of TV to Western New York now. Presently interactive shows are being test marketed around the country. The shows are set up for being a total interactive show once the technology becomes more available in Western New York. Once this happens “The ABC’s of Insurance” will be one of the first shows in Western New York to be interactive. Right now the viewers have to get to their personal computer to get more information on the topics from the series. An interactive TV series, the viewers can get more information on the topic after the shows airs from the website.

Other programs in "The ABC's of Insurance Complementary Health Series" explore self-help stress relief techniques ranging from meditation, organic food, cooking and Rieki to self healing with Bruno Groening Circle of Friends to medical practices including special programs set up by a health insurance company. This is an interactive TV show go to WWW.WNYINSURANCE-QUOTE.COM to find out more about this show and other shows in the series.


To interview Lester J. Robinson on The ABC's of Insurance Complementary Health Series, Judy Naylor program coordinator, Charlie Deacon on A.M Toastmasters, and Greg Larson on Training at LCTV -or to receive a list of experts featured in this complementary health series-contact Lester J. Robinson at the numbers above. Thank you for your consideration.

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