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Thread: THe new bottle tax perhaps?

  1. #1
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States

    THe new bottle tax perhaps?

    So what do we all think of the new Bottle tax idea they have versus bottle deposits?

  2. #2
    Member 300miles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I think people will have no incentive to recycle and will just throw them away like they used to.

    I also think the state will just take the money and spend it on the usual crap like the new stadium in NYC, instead of on something related to recycling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    What's next?

    Taxes on:

    Plastic tabs for six packs?
    Plastic forks/spoons/knives?
    Plastic bags from supermarkets?
    Bic lighters?
    Wooden sticks from popcicles?
    Bubble gum wrappers?
    Perscription bottles?
    Pez dispensers?


    Nearly EVERY fee (& some new fees) or tax HAS already GONE UP - quietly, one by one - BUT WERE STILL - VERY, VERY, BANKRUPT !!

    The "current way" things are done - local or state - is set as a CONSTANT NEVER-ENDING CYCLE.

    We have to "fund" their "lifestyles" that they are "demanding" and feel they deserve - weither THEY ARE DOING THE JOB THEY ARE "CONTRACTED" TO DO - OR NOT. Example - You don't like what's going on in meetings - JUST SIMPLY WALK RIGHT ON OUT - YOU "WILL" STILL GET PAID FOR IT (VERY, VERY WELL PAID) -- after all,...


    Until their totally "dissfunctional", system is STOPPED,

    ".......yeeaahh-ah ......I'm the taxman" *(by Hermin's Hermits)

    *YEAH, I know it wasn't by Hermin's Hermits, but, the way I see it, I'M MAKING NOWHERE NEAR THE MONEY OUR LEGISLATORS ARE MAKING TO - "LIE, CHEAT, AND DECIEVE", so...

    I'M MORE THAN ENTITLED !! (being a lowlife "weasil")


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Run the county like a business and hold politicians accountable

    It seems to me that there is a lack of responsibility in the political system.

    Why can't we run this county like a business?

    We should be able to hire or fire the CEO (county executive), head financial officer or anyone else who is not performing his duties. In the business world, white-collar jobs are not protected by a union.

    The County Legislature (board of directors) should make these decisions and the legislators should also be held accountable for their jobs.

    Presently no one is in charge or held accountable for anything.

    Why should we pay retirees more than 70 percent of their salaries if they did not do their jobs well for the past 30 years?

    Better yet, why were they employed by the county that long?

    Who reviews these people? Accountability is a must, with advancement based on production and merit. All slackers must go. The picnic is over.

    Erie County must revamp entire budget process (B.E.N.)

    Many people suggest that government be run like a business.

    It is - it's called Enron.

    Government gets its authority from the consent of the governed. How can we the people give consent to a system that we can't comprehend? . . . .

    And it should be a matter of law that government has a clear understanding of how much it takes in and how much it spends. It is time for some bold legislators and activist judges to examine the constitutionality of the county and state budget processes.

    Who among us can read and understand all the items in a $1.1 billion budget? How many elected officials can say they've read the entire thing?

    You're not supposed to sign anything you haven't read .

    As such, any budget that can't be read by the average person should be declared null and void.

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