Bomb Shell Dropped At Town Board Meeting
By James Tricoli
Jun 17, 2003, 14:23

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The financial situation of the golf course in Amherst is variable, to say the least. Ever wonder why they lose so much money one year, then show a profit the next? The answer came last night from Councilman Mike McGuire. He accused our former Highway Supervisor, Tom Wik, of fooling around with the numbers, giving false numbers to the town and allowing his former Deputy Superintendent, James Binner, to make over $84,000 thousand dollars. Is McGuire passing the buck to protect his friends who are, and have been, abusing their privileges at the golf course? If McGuire had this information about Mr.Wik why didn't he come forward and make it public sooner?
Mike McGuire's good friend and golfing buddy, Mr.Passmore, ran the golf course for years and stole huge sums of money each year. He was finally caught. The Amherst authorities estimate he ripped-off $25,000 a year. That would be roughly $250,000 for his career in Amherst. He received no jail time and had to repay roughly $7,900. There wasn't even a trial. Passmore liked to dabble in the stock market with his buddies. That would be fine unless he was using the money he STOLE from US. That's how our town works when you're one of the Good Ol' Boys.
The best way to continue letting the Good Ol' Boys control our golf courses is to have everyone look in Mr.Wik's direction while our golf courses continue to be ripped off by - The Good Ol' Boys.