A letter I received yesterday from Mr. Anthony Mingarelli.

"I, like you, am a member of the Independent Party and am looking forward to making it a more progressive party. We, the Independents in the City of Lackawanna are being misinformed.

A few weeks ago an article in the Lackawanna Front Page printed the Dennis Koziol and John Makeyenko are the new leaders of the Lackawanna Independent Party. This statement is completely false. I contend that Mr. Koziol had an illegal meeting. This meeting was never called in the required time. It was a meeting where all the propercommitteemen were not notified. In short, it was a meeting that was set up to insure they and only they would be selectedthe so-called leaders!

At the time the meeting was held, John Makeyenko was not a legally registered Independent and did not become one until after the date the meeting was to have been called. Dennis Koziol, in my opinion, is an opportunist who does nothing but maneuver within political parties in an effort to seek his own political clout. I consider it disgraceful to have both of these two power mongers run the Independent Party here.

I have been told that John is already threatening future candidates for various political offices and telling them they have to see him for the Independent Party endorsement and no one else! As you may or may not know, John is running for re-election to the Lackawanna School board and is using the Independent Party as a wedge to become re-elected. Koziol works in the school maintenance department and therefore, he and John are like "two peas in a pod". Their mission appears to be to use YOU to get what THEY want.

The Lackawanna Independent Party is a new and growing voice in the City. We are the third and very important line for some candidates. I ask you to please unite and make your party a progressive party of true Independents, not a party that is run for its supposed leaders' personal benefit.

Thank you for reading this letter, and please think about what you want your Independent Partyto be within the City of Lackawanna."


Anthony Mingarelli