LIE #28 - Return for additional startling NYS Education Office of Counsel complicity with Hamburg Central School District 243 LIES to NYS Commissioner of Education MaryEllen Elia

It is strongly recommended to read Summary Background to 243 LIES: before reading each individual lie

In a SEP 22 2016, 11:16 AM ET statement Governor Cuomo "...I have zero tolerance for abuse of the public trust from anyone…

Will someone take leadership to schedule the meeting between Cheryl, Daniel and I that Vincent J. Coppola and Jennifer Giallella denied December 18, 2014?

Dave Bowen emailed to: Commissioner ,,, Cameron Hall , "Yoviene, David" , Tom Flynn , laura heeter ,,,,, dd', date: Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 8:54 AM, subject: Request for resolving leadership – to schedule the meeting between Cheryl, Daniel and I that Vincent J. Coppola and Jennifer Giallella denied December 18, 2014?

Specific HCSD Corruption Background

Following up LIE # 20

Cheryl prepared a DISCIPLINE NOTICE:

This DISCIPLINE NOTICE failed to state Cheryl’s 55 day later reported: “Daniel made a claim that I slapped him in the face...He said that I hit him...why did you hit me? Why did you do that?" HCSD calculatedly hid the DISCIPLINE NOTICE from Commissioner Elia.

This DISCIPLINE NOTICE Cheryl prepared did not support the HCSD false narrative. Vince Coppola and John Crangle responded to me with 7 emails; pages 80 and 81 in link: These emails were expected to but did not report “Daniel made a claim that Cheryl McGirr slapped him in the face...He said that I hit him...why did you hit me? Why did you do that?"

There was a superintendent’s hearing on January 12, 2015 to hear Ms. McGirr’s story. Cheryl failed to make appearance at the hearing. Why did she fail to appear? Again, please understand I just do not know.

NYSED Part 100.2.4 Regulations - Parental notice concerning student suspensions and HCSD Policy 7313 requires assured receipt at parent’s address of such suspension/discipline notice within twenty-four (24) hours of the decision to propose suspension. The discipline/suspension notice shall provide a description of the incident(s) for which suspension is proposed. In the informal conference, the student and/or parent/person in parental relation shall be authorized to present the student’s version of the event and to ask questions of the complaining witnesses. The notice and opportunity for informal conference shall take place prior to suspension. Every above requirement was violated by HCSD leadership. HCSD denied all mandated due process. Deceptive/incompetent/both HCSD leadership totally failed to manage in respect of governing regulation/policy.

The HCSD Board of Education was respectfully emailed with cc to Commissioner Elia requesting they arrange an immediate meeting. Cooperating with the ongoing deception of Vincent J. Coppola, Mike Cornell, hearing officer Daniel D’Amico and Andrew J. Freedman the HCSD Board of Education and the NYS Commissioner of Education provided no requested leadership to arrange a meeting between Cheryl, her trusted associate(s), Daniel and me.

Cheryl was USPS tracking # 70162070000024955211 certified mailed: Records report Cheryl received:

Will someone take leadership and schedule the meeting between Cheryl, Daniel and I that Vincent J. Coppola and Jennifer Giallella denied December 18, 2014?

Governor Cuomo has been again, today, emailed to conduct appropriate investigation of the above abuser(s) of public trust; consistent with his SEP 22 2016, 11:16 AM ET moral statement of good governance "...I have zero tolerance for abuse of the public trust from anyone…

LIE #28 - Return for additional startling NYS Education Office of Counsel complicity with Hamburg Central School District 243 LIES to NYS Commissioner of Education MaryEllen Elia