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Thread: Buffalo Evening News November 9 1905

  1. #1
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States

    Buffalo Evening News November 9 1905

    One of my long time clients dropped me off a surprised today. He said these were sitting in his house for years. Plus some Buffalo Sunday Times from 1925.

    My grandfather was 2 months old when this was printed.

    Buffalo Evening News November 9 1905

    Buffalo Evening News November 9 1905

    Not in great condition but still very readable. I'll have to be very careful with these

    Buffalo Evening News November 9 1905

  2. #2
    Member gorja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Lancaster, NY
    Nice. Is that burnt on the right edge?

    Georgia L Schlager

  3. #3
    Member Save Us's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Cool, thanks for sharing Rez.

  4. #4
    Member dgrzeb's Avatar
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    Western New York
    Love when IO used to find old newspapers in houses, was not smart enough to have kept them !
    And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15 -

  5. #5
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    May 2003
    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by gorja View Post
    Nice. Is that burnt on the right edge?

    I don't really know. Looks more like it blacken over age...Or if it is burnt it was not directly on fire but close enough to be charred.

  6. #6
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    Are you able to turn the pages to see what the election news was in the burbs?

    Georgia L Schlager

  7. #7
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    I took more photos. I'm going to upload them after work. Some interesting stuff.

    Democrats were pretty bad is 1905

    My grandfather was only 2 months old. He was born Sept 5th 1905. His family was in Retsof, New York. I can't remember what year his father purchased the property at 1194 Lovejoy. That would be the year they moved to Buffalo. Had to be before 1910's because he graduated from an auto mechanic school on Harlem near William. When I go home I'll look to see the year on the diploma.

    His father worked at the Retsof Salt Mine before buying property on Lovejoy opening up a bar. I'm pretty sure my great grandfather died about 1933 in the upper front bedroom and my great uncle his brother died on the floor in the lower back apartment. Don't know the year.

    My grandfather never shut up talking about the past. He would be a dusty 111 years old this year if he was still alive. He would tell me how his father would take him into the mine to feed the mules. For the most part the mules never came out of the mine.

    I took some photos of the articles in the paper. Wait till you see one. Talk about not being politically correct.

  8. #8
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    This is from the City deeds section of the Buffalo Courier Wednesday, January 11, 1922

    I was wondering about the election because my dad's cousin had told me my great grandfather was elected Clarence assessor from 1905 -1909 but she had only had scanned this from 1907 -

    So, I was wondering if there was anything for the Town of Clarence in there.

    Georgia L Schlager

  9. #9
    Member gorja's Avatar
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    1910 US census
    Name: Joseph Fracassi
    Age in 1910: 38
    Birth Year: abt 1872
    Birthplace: Italy
    Home in 1910: York, Livingston, New York
    Street: Italian Colony
    House Number: 43
    Race: White
    Gender: Male
    Immigration Year: 1892
    Relation to Head of House: Head
    Marital Status: Married
    Spouse's Name: Mariarosa Fracassi
    Father's Birthplace: Italy
    Mother's name: Lucia Picciano
    Mother's Birthplace: Italy
    Native Tongue: English
    Occupation: Boss
    Industry: Mine
    Employer, Employee or Other: Wage Earner
    Home Owned or Rented: Rent
    Farm or House: House
    Naturalization Status: Naturalized
    Able to Read: Yes
    Able to Write: Yes
    Years Married: 8
    Out of Work: N
    Number of weeks out of work: 0
    Neighbors: View others on page
    Household Members:
    Name Age
    Joseph Fracassi 38 Head
    Mariarosa Fracassi 23 Wife
    Elvira Fracassi 6 Daughter
    Earnest Fracassi 5 Son
    Angiolina Fracassi 2 Daughter
    Antonio Picciano 70 Father
    Lucia Picciano 66 Mother
    Domenico Picciano 40 Brother
    Nanzio Iamonaco 56 Brother-in-law

    Georgia L Schlager

  10. #10
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Check this out. Gorja sent this over

    That is my grand parents and great aunt/uncle.

    I emailed my mom earlier to ask her if she remember this

    Yes gram always repeated that story, when I first met dad, I think I went there once with them and dad, it was just a small grocery store........... uncle Mike had a German Sheppard there that did nothing.......and uncle Mike gram said had a gun but was too shaky to do did you find that, gram went there for her groceries since aunt Rondy was her sister...I miss gram and dad so much......
    My grandfather used to drag me around all over Buffalo pointing stuff out.

    I'm gooing to see what google maps shows for those addressses

  11. #11
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    I'm pretty sure this is the house. I just have really vague memories going over there.


    The Arrow Food Store address is just a patch of grass now

  12. #12
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    They had rat issues in 1905

    Stearn's Electric Rat and Roach Paste

    Buffalo Evening News November 1905

    I googled and found another ad.

    Ad: Stearns' Electric Rat and Roach Paste

  13. #13
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Whirled around shafting.

    Poor David Miller. 25 years old in 1905. He would be 136 years old now. I see he lived on Gold Street. That is off of Lovejoy

    Buffalo Evening News November 1905

  14. #14
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Intellectual Honesty Wanted says Warner.

    Buffalo Evening News November 1905

  15. #15
    Tony Fracasso - Admin
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    Buffalo, New York, United States
    Fat Plums for Democratic Patriots

    Buffalo Evening News November 1905

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