All a person has to do is go to the Erie County Board of Elections website - look under "Campaign Finance disclosures" and you'll notice a major shift in funding. More and more its insider Party Players, Local Party Officials and Family Members.

Quite a shift from the past 20 years - its eye opening when one relates the slow down to future developable land ! In the past their campaign money and donations came from big law firms, building supply companies, developer, builders and concrete companies. Even the UAW in the form of donations from the Working Families Party has fallen off sharply.

Some of the loyal past donors have tried to hide their donations by using other family members names and even their wife's maiden names !

Businessmen know there's no long term leverage funding the status quo players - they see their time in office could be ending soon. The back door deals and insider real-estate endeavors are getting harder to push through.

You see business people don't care to help build patronage - it doesn't benefit them. Large corporations don't care about nepotism - they don't get a cut.

So, the burden this election cycle will fall mainly on the families of the Lan Dem Supporters who benefit from being Friends and Family members and those who hope to secure positions with the help of the Lan Dem Controller's. There is and will be more and more pressure applied on the tax funded workers and their families to donate more money and more time - to be a "Lan Dem Team Player"