County wide reports of "Voter Apathy" ring out!
Some people try to discount Seniors when it comes to voting, I don't.

Lets face it, if you break down the numbers and look at what the County calls, "Prime Voters" - they are looking at habitual Voters, Party Affiliations and age among other things.

Now, just about every election for Local Officials, ends with roughly the same number of votes. You can see the patterns, tax funded Worker's and those close to them Vote for the incumbents to secure raises and tax funded benefits.

Those who voted against incumbents seek change - change scares people - workers are afraid of change being turned into less wages. Regardless of Party - thats what the incumbents tell Voters - "They want to shut the Senior Center - they want to freeze Town Workers pay - they want you to get a higher Copay plan." same lines.

Now my point is, "Thank God for Seniors" - they see the issues - they've heard all the "Party Babble" and they know about taxes. The glaring fact is "Seniors Vote."

Now look at those under 30 years of age - emotional, easily steered and mostly think elections are popularity contests - for the most part their correct. But they don't act to create reform or change - they don't Vote.
How can we help them learn, how can we show them the light?
It will be their time soon enough, then what?