Click on this title to read more: HE HAD IT COMING:
THE SORG MURDER (Part 2):by Benedict Maryniak

Residence of late Senator George Davis,Lancaster, New York
Click photo to enlarge:Attachment 3693

As in any Town/Village in America - there is history - familial - political - economical. In order to understand the inner workings of any one of them we must research its past.

Generation after generations have their secrets and not so secret events. Unfortunately new comers aren't always concerned with - nor do they take the time to investigate our unique local history - or not so famous players. This is just one example.

Most local history is shaded by those who control what gets saved and what doesn't - that too can be a education in it self - find who controls the records and you find why its presented or buried. When Government, Church's and businesses are own by people of like intent - there is a under tow which is virtually invisible to out siders.

Just my own opinions and not meant to slander or offend - merely sharing public information.