The mayor should hire and fire whenever he wants..HE IS THE MAYOR!!!!! Some people need to show a little more respect because the PEOPLE did elect him..I feel his lawsuit was a matter of principal and not because some people think otherwise..If the council cut everyones pay that the mayor hired how do you think he is suppost to run this city..Does anyone realize the council reinstated the pay of the guy who signs their checks and pays the bills..If people have a problem with the people he hires we have a thing called elections..from what i am reading it seems to me that people are mad the mayor hired a law firm to sue the council..but why isnt anyone one taking about the 15k the council has voted on the hire a the mayor was just looking to reinstate an additional 20k salary for a department head and the council spends 15k to that to fight a lawsuit and it will end up costing the council more than the 15k by the time its all doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out what the council should have done to save the tax payers money..To me its looks like the council has more of a personal agenda than whats in the best interest of the tax payers.An no i do not know the mayor or the council!!!! I just want all our elected officials to get along an move this city forward..